Chapter Twenty: Ice

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The next morning was the day that the Guard set out fro the Isadren Capital.

Asman had finally gotten a good nights rest, even after realizing he was in love with Niallen and then proceeding to sleep next to the man. Nothing happened, and they remained on separate beds, but it was still closer than usual.

Either way, Asman woke with Niallen already saying his goodbyes to the Commander, who was recovering from her own wounds from the battle. Niallen's wound seemed to be nothing but an after thought to him, which aggravated Asman.

Just after sunrise, the Guard was already back on the road north; Cedran and the other horses seemed glad to be out of the fort and walking again.

Asman and Dahlia decided to walk up front due to Asman having to straining to see Niallen. Dahlia laughed and joked about it up until they were just behind the man. Asman could safely say that it was because he was worried Niallen's wound would cause him to fall off Berry. There was also the fact of Asman just wanting to be near him, but he was also very worried.

Traveling to the Capital would only take a week, but Asman was fine with that. Every single village or town they came across had Asman in awe.

The foods, the people, even the smell, were far greater than any Feliasian town he had been to.

Not only were the towns amazing, but Asman could tell that there would be snow soon. The cold chill in the air enough to make Niallen buy him another cloak, though it seemed the man did not have to buy it at all.

The man that he had gotten it from knew who they were and had felt it was his honor to gift a new Guard a cloak. Asman could have cried he was so happy.

With a new fur lined and solid crimson cloak, Asman was even warmer and more willing to go and see all Isadren had to offer.

It was the fourth day of traveling in Isadren that they finally came across snow.

Thick flakes showered down from the clouds, dusting their cloak hoods and the horses manes. The trees gathered piles of the white fluff on their branches, and the grass became hidden beneath the sheets of it.

Asman could not stop looking around, his mouth wide and smiling while sending childish and excited looks everywhere. The Guard playfully mocked, saying his face would break if his smile got any wider. Asman only quipped for them to shut the fuck up and then continued to tip his head back, gathering the large flakes on his tongue.

When the snow became deep enough and the Guard had paused at a village for the night, Niallen and Dahlia took him out to a clearing to play in the snow.

Asman flopped face first into it as soon as he ran into the field, laughing and shaking away the clumps of melting snow. His leather armor made an imprint in the snow, and soon enough he was hauling both of the others down into the bank with him.

"You act as if it has never snowed in Felias." Dahlia teased while they sprawled out, arms and legs overlapping each other.

"Well, it has! But never like this! It would always melt before it could gather." Asman laughed out, gesturing wildly to the white forest around them. It was no longer snowing, but he was sure if he stood under a tree and tapped a branch he could make it happen again.

"Then we should be the ones to tell you that being outside while it is this cold for too long will get you sick." Niallen chuckled, sitting up and shaking the snow off his cloak.

"Oh, you are no fun. We can stay out here a bit longer." Dahlia smiled and waved a dismissive hand at Niallen, who had stood and was now working on patting the rest of the snow off, his back facing Asman.

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