Chapter Ten: Sound

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Asman woke in the morning to his legs and back achingly sore.

As it figured, all it took was Asman rooming with Dahlia and asking for her to keep a secret for him to sneak away.

Wentt was happy to allow him to stay, and even happier that Asman was all too eager to have a night filled with pleasure.

He was a careful and kind lover, and although Asman was left feeling satisfied, he also wished that the man would have been a tad rougher.

Either way, Asman had woken up with his lower back twinging in pain and his legs sore from the walk the day before.

Wentts bed was comfortable, but Asman was sure to get up as soon as he woke for fear that the Guard and Niallen would see he was missing.

Luckily, the sun had just begun to rise into Wentts windows, shining golden light over were the man himself was sleeping soundly in the nude. Asman sighed at the sight before going around to collect his clothes which had been thrown off during the night.

Silently, Asman used a slip of parchment and ink pen on Wentts desk to write a short letter stating he was leaving. He hoped the man would not be hurt by it, but at the same time, Asman absolutely needed to leave as quickly as possible.

He found his boots near the door, and snatched them up before quietly exiting the home, wincing at the clang of the lock latching.

The Inn was indeed only a couple doors down, so it was a quick walk as Asman rushed to get back to him and Dahlias room.

When he opened the door to the Inn, he was pleased to find that nobody was there in the main room. Only the Innkeeper, who glanced at him with a knowing look and went back to her menial task of sorting papers.

Asman sighed internally and went forth to go upstairs, his bare feet occasionally making the floorboards creek. He winced every time the wood sounded its displeasure, but eventually got up the stairs.

"Asman? What are you doing awake?"

He froze as he turned the corner, Niallen standing there as he shut the door to his own room.

"I had to, uh, take a piss." Asman gestured with his boots to the stairs, his heart picking up slightly at the lie.

"Why are your boots off?" Niallen raised an eyebrow and stepped closer. His bag was slung over his shoulder and his sword dangling off his hip.

"I-I did not want to wake anyone."

"Really? Because to me, it smells as if that was a lie. It smells as if you spent the night somewhere else, had a bath, and partook in some very intimate activities," Niallen's look hardened as he leaned forward and inhaled sharply. "With that man from earlier it seems."

Asman blushed and took a step back, glancing off to the side with embarrassment.

"You should not be able to smell that." Asman scoffed and crossed his arms, still not meeting Niallen's gaze.

"But I do, and I should not have to be the one to tell you that fucking people you have just met is a bad idea. Especially not when you are needed for a much larger purpose and it is crucial that you stay alive."

Asman bristled harshly and snapped his eyes up to meet Niallen's, anger fuzzing his mind.

"I can fuck whoever I want, Niallen. I am grown enough to know when it is dangerous or not. It is not as if I was spilling every secret I own, in fact, there was little to no talking at all. There was no harm done to either the Guard or me, so do not act as if you are worried for my wellbeing when all you are worried about is whether or not I am alive enough to tell my story." Asman ranted, his face flushed in anger rather than humility now.

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