Chapter Six: Light

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After Asman and Dahlia had spoke, the prior had finished the dried meat and then went to bed all without talking to the woman again.

There was much to think about in his opinion.

It was likely not ideal that he spent most of the night awake and doing such. It was far past midnight when his mind finally calmed, but he felt notably better about what in the world was happening.

Come morning, he would have to apologize to Niallen. Not for punching or head butting him, but for making rude comments about Isadrenians, and assuming the worst from the man who had saved his life; even if he did not want him to.

Asman had realized that even if he was tied, he had put himself in this situation and had left his brother. There was no turning back from this point on; even if he had left his brothers body to burn, he would not have anything to turn back for. Isadren was his future at this time, whether or not it meant his death was not something he cared about.

Due to all this thinking that Asman was partaking in, he did not perhaps get the best nights sleep he could have. So when morning actually came, he was tired and maybe a tad touchy when it came to interacting.

He had almost snapped at Dahlia for pulling the rope against his wrists too hard, but at the last second, Niallen had intervened and arrived to steal Asman away to the horses.

Asman mounted the mare with heavy limbs, and when Niallen mounted also, Asman had to fight leaning back against the mans chest and falling asleep.

The morning was warm and dry enough that Asman was almost immediately ready to drift off, though he stopped himself since he still had to apologize to Niallen.

Luckily, he was handed a couple strips of salted and dried fish to snack on and keep him awake by one of the men. That and a few sips from Niallen's water was enough to keep him present until they got on the road once more.

The sun had not fully risen above the tree line when Asman finally put off waiting and spoke.


The man hummed questioningly but did not say anything.

"... I am sorry." Asman said eventually. "For the things I said about Isadrenians, and for not appreciating all that you have done for me. Even if I did not want it at the time, you were kind in patching me up and not leaving me for dead. I am sorry I did not say it sooner."

Niallen did not respond for a moment, and Asman sat there awkwardly while the man stayed silent.

Eventually, Niallen hummed again and sighed slightly.

"Does this mean you will be more compliant with going to Isadren?" Niallen asked. "I know that you only reacted as you did because you are mourning. Although I would prefer to let you do as you wish, we need your information for the war."

Asman huffed and rubbed a thumb against the skin beneath the rope.

"If I am not a prisoner, what am I? I will go with you and the Guards voluntarily, but I cannot sit idly by as you march me to my death. I need something to do." Asman stared off to the edge of the road, where the horse he and Niallen were on seemed to be gradually veering towards a bush of Catmint.

Niallen only steered the mare back on the path and went back to his thoughtful silence.

Asman, having already got what he had wanted to say out, focused his efforts on running his fingers through the horses man just as he did yesterday.

He had only ever had one pet, and that was only a stray cat that he would sneak bits of chicken to when Sam was not looking.

Asman had named her Calendula after he had spotted her lying in a thicket of the herb one morning. She ended up disappearing one day, but Asman was not shocked as most stray cats or dogs did so regularly.

Swords of Isadren (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz