Ch.6 Awakening

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Lily POV

Me, bell, welf and lamira just woke up. We apologized and thanked them for healing us. Me and lamira then went to check on Y/N We heard that they found us falling down the tunnel after shouting. 2 amazons and the sword princess went to check on Y/N after they heard bell mutter about him. They found him fighting goliath and he lost. They then saved him and took him back.

Me and lamira went to his tent but before we went in, we saw the sword princess staring at his bare back looking at his status.

"What do you think your doing?" Lamira said.

"I-I…" she said looking down in shame.

"We are telling your superiors after you leave this tent." I said definently. She left apologetically. Y/n was still very much asleep.


I woke up on my stomach feeling very hungry. Soon I walked out of the tent after putting a shirt over my bandages.

"Hey are you Mr. Autom?" A eccentric amazon asked.

"Autom?" I said confused.

"This goofball, doesnt even know his own name." Another amazon said.

"Your new nickname from denatus is Autom dawn." The eccentric Amazon said.

"Oh, I see your awake." A blonde pallum said. I could only bet it was the 'braver'

"What happend?" I asked.

"You dont remember? Perhaps you hit your head." Said the braver. They soon explained everything that happend even my, according to them 'adorable rant' that I went on about orario.

"Yeah... sorry about that." I said sheepishly.

"No problem. It was adorable!" Said Tiona. This made me a bit red. After I left the tent, Lily and lamira came up to me. We went behind a tent so they could tell me something.

"What is it guys?" I asked.

"You see Y/n when you were still asleep we came to visit you, and we saw Ais wallenstein looking at your status." This made me forgo many admirations for her. Your status is something sacred to yourself. She was most likely after my growth. I'm not necessarily angry, but sure as hell disappointed. "We are also about to tell her higher ups." I thought about this, but knew it had to be done.

"Alright you should do it. But lily, I think it's best to look after bell now. She most likely wants to know what makes us grow fast." I thought about back then when I was told about bells abilites. I thought over whether I should warn him or not. I decided not to after all, he needs his strength to become a hero. Just like I need strength, to help and protect the ones I love.

I heard from Lily that Ais was seriously punished. Apparently, she was thrown into water? I dont know what that does but what works works.


I knew I needed to apologize to Y/N. When I was watching over him he flipped over in his sleep and I saw his status. I couldn't look away, my instinct telling me to look at his stats. I read his status only a little before I was thankfully interupted.

I saw Y/n on the cliffs edge and went to talk to him.

"Hello ais. How are you?" He asked without a usual smile.

"I'm here to apologize for-" I was cut off by michael.

"You didn't answer my question. How are you?" He said again. With no choice, I answered.

"Tired. And shameful." She said remembering the day.

"I see… now what are you apologizing for?" He asked

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