Ch.1 Weakness

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Ch.1 Weakness

"Yeah! What a stupid brat. I swear he looked just like a tomato!" A stupid werewolf said. He was obviously drunk and talking about bells fateful encounter. It's only been about week since Both of us started and we were in mama mias. Earlier today bell and I were attacked by a minitour and he was saved by Ais wallenstein but barely. I was trying my best to make bell feel better but nothing has worked. Soon after a few more choice words from the werewolf, bell took off. I glared at the werewolf and gave mama mia my money for bell and ran after bell. Sadly he was nowhere in sight but then I saw a white headed figure enter the babel. Not good.

I soon went looking for bell in the dungeon and unbeknownst to me I was passing many floors. It took 3 hours but I Soon I wound up on the 9th floor were I saw bell fighting a lot of kobolds and shadow people. He seemed exhausted and then collapsed. Soon the monsters were about to finish him, but I ran ahead and blocked the attacks with my longsword. Sadly, some I missed to block and scraped against me. Soon after a minute I had scrapes everywhere and I was bleeding heavily. I nearly collapsed until I saw bells broken face 1and pushed onwards. I impaled one of the monsters with my longsword and used the hilt too hit another kobolds head. Then I used a mighty swing to take out at least 3 of them. The battle continued on with more and more showing up. But I kept pressing on and on even when the odds were insurmountable. Eventually I took them all out and piggybacked bell out of there. We soon reached Deadlius street and I found the abandoned church. I saw hestia waiting outside.

"Y/n! Bell! What happend!" I was breathing heavily and I had blood all over me. Compared to bell, he just had a few scrapes.

"A long… story. I'll tell you later (cough)" soon we went inside and after we got our wounds treated, I asked to get my status updated. Soon she handed me my stats.

Name Y/n L/n
Familia Hestia
Race Human

Strength H 130
Endurence G 203
Dexterity H 153
Agility H 121
Magic I 02

Skill: Revenge, oddsmaker
DA: none
Magic: none

Hestia POV

As I was updating Y/N's  status, I was shocked to see his knew skills. It was almost like they were perfect for each other.

Revenge: when fighting multiple opponents, the user can lash out and gain a boost in stats. This skill will tremendously improve Endurence.

Oddsmaker: whenever the odds are stacked against the user in any way, the user becomes more powerful. The worser the odds the better. This also keeps status updates from previous attacks.


Hestia gave bell a status update while he was sleeping and apparently bells status also went up tremendously.

"Y/n, I need to show you something." She said handing me bells status. She highlighted something in the skill section. "Its called Liaris Freeze, or single minded pursuit."

"Single minded pursuit? Let me guess, it increases growth?" I said to hestia.

"But why? Why wallenwhatsit!" She said pouting. I put my finger on her lips.

"He's sleeping." I said pointing to him. Sadly, Hestia had to go for a party so I had to look after both of us. I decided to cook something after going to bed. Bell always liked my cooking.


After the party, I was still begging hephaestus to make bell a weapon.

"Hestia, please leave. Right now your just getting in the way." Hephaestus said.

"But please!" She said still begging.

"And what about the other boy? Aren't you just leaving him out?" She said. Hestia looked a little more sad because She didn't want to admit that she already had a favorite between the two.

"Please phai-phai!" Hestia said. And soon enough, hephaestus gave in. Soon, the pair made a legendary weapon for bell.

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