Put a Little Love on Me

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"The hangout yesterday was really funny. We defo should do that again", I grinned at Tara and brushed my unmade hair back.

Yesterday truly had been amazing. We had celebrated being almost done with the tour and had talked a lot about the awesome memories we had made so far. The night had been filled with alcohol, dancing and playing music. I had found real friends over the past few months and I was more than grateful for that.

Tara got on her tiptoes and briefly pressed her lips to my cheek. "Thank you again for letting me stay, I would've been terrified if I had had to go home on my own!", she mumbled.

"Please don't tell Hailee about this, yeah? Everything is going so well between us, I don't want to ruin this.", I replied and looked her serious in the eye, "But no problem, you can crash in my guestroom any time."

I looked down at her and pointed to my shirt she was currently wearing. "And I really need the shirt back, okay? It's very important to me"

It had gotten really late last night and the other guests had either gone home earlier or didn't live that far away from my house, contrary to Tara. I hadn't been willing to let her cross the entire city in order to reach her hotel at 3am, so I had been insisting that she had had to stay at mine. But I also knew what Hailee would think about this and she wouldn't be happy at all, so it was probably the best thing if she didn't know about it at all. And I had given the shirt to her because someone had poured a drink over her dress and I wasn't going to let her leave with that massive stain on her clothes.

"Sure, don't worry Niall. Although Hailee should really get over this thing, it's getting more and more ridiculous. I don't date younger men, you and I both know that.", Tara joked but I sent her a warning glance. "But I gotta go, see you in a few days!"

"See ya", I replied as Tara walked out the door but suddenly backed up.

"Oh shit"

I looked around the corner to see my girlfriend standing there, a day earlier than anticipated and seeming as if someone had ripped her heart out of her chest. Shit, what did she hear and see?

"Hailee, I thought you'd be here tomorrow", I said, trying to sound as casual as possible to find out what the real issue was. Both women glared at me in utter disbelief but Hailee's gaze was mixed with hurt and shock.

"I think I'll leave the two of you alone", Tara shook her head and waved at me as she left my property.

Hailee's and my eyes met and in that exact moment, I knew that the next five minutes would probably be the most hurtful in my life so far. There was no emotion and close to every possible negative one in them all at once. Her face was so pale that I thought about asking her to sit down but that would probably be inappropriate right now. I needed to know what was going on inside her head but judging her facial expression, she wasn't going to tell me.

After the realization that I had obviously fucked up big time without even knowing what I had exactly done, I tried talking to her. I tried everything that I was capable of doing at the moment. Multiple times, I started with an explanation but she cut me off every single time, not wanting to listen to anything I had to say. Slowly, the fear of actually losing her grew more and more in me and spread throughout my whole body before consuming my mind entirely. I was shaking, I begged her to please let me explain just for a minute and finally I broke down and began to cry because I couldn't hold back the tears that were burning in the corners of my eyes any longer.

Every second of our conversation felt surreal and like I was in a haze, I wasn't even able to comprehend what was happening right in front of me. I was positive that she could sense the desperation and sadness radiating off me but it seemed like she just didn't want to see it. I had never seen Hailee like this before, acting stone-cold and I had never been treated like that by her before, not even when she had seen the pictures of Tara and I.

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