Bend The Rules

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Clutching my guitar in my left hand and wiping the sweat off my forehead with the other, I jogged down the stairs of the stage towards the backstage area. It had been another amazing concert in a wonderful city and my fans had been as supportive as they always were. The adrenaline was running through my veins as I spotted Tara, my personal assistant from afar who gave me a thumbs up while grinning.

"Amazing as always, Mister Horan", she yelled and threw a towel in my direction which I caught easily.

I placed my guitar onto a table and engulfed her into a hug.

"By the way, you have a missed call by Hailee", Tara murmured into my neck and patted my back as she handed me my phone.

I sighed briefly before thanking her and opening the messenger option.

I am sorry, just finished the concert and I still need to get back to the hotel and into the shower before we can speak x

At first, it threw me off that the message didn't seem to come through until I noticed that Hailee had actually called an hour ago and should be at her set for Bumblebee by now.

That's how it had practically been for the past month. We hadn't seen each other for two whole months now, the last time being one of the New York dates. We had already known beforehand that the following time would be nothing but exhausting and quite challenging for our relationship as Hailee was currently in the States, shooting the new Bumblebee movie and I still had to tour another few cities and countries.

We had promised each other that we would try to schedule calls and to hear from the other at least twice a week but after the first month, it had gotten increasingly difficult to actually stick to that. Whenever I got up, Hailee was still fast asleep. When I had to rehearse for the tour and actually perform, she would have the time to call but when I was finished, she had to head to set for the day.

Not only the facetime calls grew to be less and less but also the texts lessened over the time and now, it came down to a maximum of five messages back and forth.

I sighed again and scrolled through the calendar on my phone, searching for this one day in two months we were actually both having off. The day after tomorrow.

I smiled, already feeling excited about spending this whole day in bed, just talking to her and at least seeing her through the screen.

Have a good day love


I made myself comfortable between the white sheets of the hotel room, setting down a cup of coffee on my nightstand before opening the Skype application on my laptop. Hailee was already calling and I grinned as she appeared on the screen.

"Hails, love", I beamed and felt my heart beating faster. I missed her so incredibly much, I couldn't even put this feeling into words.

"Babe", Hailee smiled and waved. "How are you, Niall?"

"Quite good now that I am talking to you", I grinned as she rolled her eyes at my cheesiness. She loved it and she knew it as well as I did.

The conversation carried on for another four hours. We ate our meals in front of the screens, we listened to music together and discussed everything we couldn't over the past few months.

"Do you have anything planned for the evening when I am sleeping?", I asked her as I shuffled from one side of the bed to the other.

"I actually have", Hailee laughed and tucked her hair behind her ear. "A few friends want to go out and we are probably heading to a karaoke bar. Singing a few songs, having a few drinks and most importantly fun!"

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