Cross Your Mind

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The screen of my phone lit up and I almost didn't want to read the message. I knew it was from Niall. And I knew it would be just as weird as the last messages had been.

It's been four days since the Cameron-incident and Niall had been weird ever since. Whenever I asked him if he had time to call, he found a new excuse. An Interview, Soundcheck, an appointment with Tara or just the fact that he was too tired and had to go to bed. We still texted, but even his texts sounded weird in my head. He didn't sound mad or angry like he did on the phone, but he was more distant than usual, didn't seem to be as interested in my day or my life than before. It felt like he had rebuilt all the walls around him, just after I had torn them down on the Bahamas. But I didn't want to force him to talk about it, not after the way our last conversation had gone. I didn't want to fight with him, I just wanted everything to be normal again.

I understood why Niall was mad about the whole Cameron-thing, the pictures really looked like the whole scenario had been more intimate than it had actually been. We had met in the bar and over the course of the evening I've said maybe five sentences to him, three of them had been captured by a camera. But still, I would've been mad as well if I had seen such pictures of Niall and Barbara.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked the screen. I skimmed over the chat with Niall and sighed. It sounded so awkward.

Hey Babe, how was your day?

My day was good, thanks, concert went great

Glad to hear! xx
Are you free to talk today?

Sorry, not today, got some meetings

Oh, okay...
What are they about? Something important coming up?

Nah, just some stuff with Tara to figure out
Talk to you later, Hails, love you

At least I got an I love you but still, it annoyed me that he seemed to prefer spending time with Tara over me. I knew she was his assistant and she worked for him, but still, they really didn't have to spend that much time together. I didn't spend that much time with my assistant!

But I've always tried not to be the jealous kinda girlfriend, so I tried to calm myself, locked my phone and got up to get something to eat. Niall wasn't that kind of guy, I knew I could trust him. We just haven't seen each other in a long time and I obviously missed him, that's why I was going crazy over this whole Tara thing.


Eight hours later I was just enjoying myself, watching a show on Netflix and scrolling through Instagram, when a notification on Twitter popped up. It was a message from Kennedi.

I clicked on it and frowned. Kennedi had sent me a tweet from a Niall Horan fan page. It showed some of the paparazzi pictures that had been taken today. Pictures of Niall walking around in the streets of Lisbon. Walking around with one arm thrown over the shoulders of his assistant Tara. Looking freaking cozy and cuddly.

Are you sure she's just his assistant?

I tried to stay calm. I knew first hand that those kind of pictures usually didn't show reality and could often give you a wrong idea about an situation, but this -

This girl just got under my skin. She infuriated me without even being here, it was simply the fact that she was laying hands on my boyfriend while I was hundred of miles out of reach.

Hands on my boyfriend, who still was mad about me walking out of a bar next to my ex-boyfriend while he got a cozy with this freaking girl?!

I felt anger building up in my stomach. The last days I've spend in here, feeling bad about the situation and trying to fix my relationship, while the other half of said relationship didn't seem to be bothered one bit and prefered to cuddle up with some woman instead of talking to me to figure out our issues!

I was about to figure out whether I wanted to call Niall immediately or throw something against a wall and then call Niall, when Niall's name appeared on my screen. Oh, so now he had time to call?

"It's not what you think it is" he said when I picked up the phone before even saying hello.

"So now you wanna talk?" I said cooly and I heard his heavy breath.

"Hails, come on, you know it's not what it looks like" he tried to reason with me, but I was not having it.
"Is it, though? How would I know? I haven't seen you in weeks and I know we knew that from the beginning, but the least I expected from you was to try to make this work. To talk to me whenever you had a moment off, to call me when we're both free and to fucking tell me about what's going on in your life! Instead you've been ignoring me for days and -"

"I didn't ignore you!" Niall protested, but he only fueled my anger.

"You call those messages not ignoring?" I growled. "I've had more interesting conversations with the freaking post man this week! But sure, you didn't ignore me, you just sent me awkward messages, refused to call me and instead got cozy with your freaking assistant!"

"Hailee, you're not seriously jealous of Tara, are you?"

"Of course I am, Niall!" I almost yelled at him. "She's with you, I am not. You talk to her, you're not talking to me. You hug her and I know I won't get the chance to hug you for I don't even know how many more days. But at least I can admit it! Because that's the healthy thing to do! Not being passive-aggressive and cuddle up with someone else to get me mad at you!"

"I didn't do it to make you angry or get back at you!" Niall yelled back and I felt oddly satisfied because for the first time I finally got an emotional response from him.

"Oh so you admit that you're jealous?" I clapped back and I saw Niall's mouth falling open without saying anything. He was speechless for several seconds before he responded:

"Of course I was! But there's nothing you could change about it, so I really don't see why it's necessary for us to talk about this!"

"Because this is what freaking couples do, Niall!" I started yelling again. "We need to talk about Cameron! And we need to talk about your stupid assistant Cara!"

"Her name is Tara!", Niall corrected me.

"Not the fucking point, Niall!", I yelled back and we stared at each other without saying anything before we both started laughing. Nothing about this was funny, not even in the slightest way, but if felt good to finally hear his laugh again.

We just giggled for several minutes, until we both calmed down and Niall looked at me through the phone, oddly calm now and with a spark in his eye.

"I'm sorry about how I treated you a few days ago" he said quietly. "And I'm sorry I couldn't admit that I was jealous. I just really miss you and I can't handle the fact that someone gets the chance to be close to you, when I don't."

"I'm sorry too" I responded softly. "But we need to talk about stuff like this, Niall. This relationship won't work if we don't talk about our issues."

"I know, I'm sorry. I love you, Hails."

"Love you too" I smiled and he smiled back.

"I'll be back in the states in two days" Niall then said. "I wanted to surprise you, but considering the last few days, I thought maybe we could meet and talk about all this stuff and...fuck?" He said the last part with a wide grin and I rolled my eyes, trying to hide a smile.

"Are you serious right now?"

"What? I heard make up sex is really good" he tried to defend himself and I just couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing.

"That's not what I meant with talking about our issues, Niall!"

"I know, Love."

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