Small Talk

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"Hey lad, don't you think you should go a bit slower?", Shawn Mendes looked at me with a worried expression, eyeing my fifth drink in an hour.

"Do I look like a Canadian to you?", I laughed and winked at him as he rolled his eyes. "I'm just enjoying myself and don't worry, I've got everything perfectly under control."

"If you say so", Shawn smiled, taking a sip from his drink.

I looked around, trying to make out any familiar faces in the chatting crowd in front of me. Of course I spotted people I knew from previous events or even just from television, but no one I desperately needed to talk to. I wasn't in the mood for meaningless small talk.

"Niall, I just saw Camila over there and we haven't seen each other in a long time. Is it okay if I-"

"Go on Shawn, I'll see ya later", I replied and we hugged briefly before Shawn disappeared between dancing bodies.

I hadn't expected the Jingle Ball Aftershow Party to be this lame. Or maybe I was already too drunk, I couldn't exactly tell anymore. Sighing, I started walking through the crowd and tried to push myself past Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson who seemed to have a lot of fun on the dancefloor. As I finally managed to leave them behind, a hand wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me into another direction. I turned around to find Hailee behind me.

"Hails! I already thought someone was trying to kidnap me", I grinned and engulfed her into a tight hug, probably a bit too enthusiastic.

"Well, maybe I am about to, you never know", Hailee smiled and I couldn't help but laugh.

She was looking absolutely beautiful tonight, no doubt.

"How have you been, we haven't talked in two weeks"

"I've been nothing but fine", she responded and looked shyly at her shoes. "What about you?"

"I am great actually, although this party is a bit lame", I answered honestly, feeling the alcohol buzz in my head. Fuck, maybe Shawn was right.

"You think so? I quite like it", Hailee replied and started moving a bit to the music.

"These are your dance moves? I would beat you in any dance battle any time!", I bragged but she just laughed.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Horan"

"I can show you if you don't believe me", I fired back and also started dancing.

Hailee laughed once again and began to move her hips to the beat. I couldn't help but stare for a moment before I caught myself. I wasn't sure if I was just far too drunk by now, but she looked ridiculously hot right now.

Calm down. Don't do it. She's your best friend...

Fuck it.

I moved closer to her and obviously caught her completely off guard as I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her into my space. But Hailee didn't complain nor pushed my hands away. I just grinned at her as The Hills by The Weeknd started to play and the mood suddenly changed. The air in the room felt a lot hotter right now and it seemed like everything around us stopped. Hailee's and my gaze locked and she looked back down shyly. I raised my hand to catch a strand of her hair that was falling into her face which caused her to look up again. Our eyes met and she briefly bit her lower lip.

Oh gosh.

I haven't felt as attracted as to her right now than to anyone in a long time. I let my hands wander from her hips to her lower back, ignoring all the doubts flowing through my mind.

To my surprise, Hailee didn't seem to mind and actually acted less shyly than before. We continued to dance until I felt brave enough to pull her even closer and put one leg in between both of hers.

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