C H A P T E R • T W O • 2

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Thanks to the police escort, Namjoon was able to make it to the hospital prior to your arrival. Watching as the EMTs transferred you from the back of the ambulance to a hospital stretcher was just as painful as watching you be pulled from the remnants of your Jeep earlier. Knowing there was nothing he could do to help you but let the doctors and nurses do their best was eating him alive.

After moving you to the stretcher, he noticed a grimace take over your beautiful bronzed face and heard a groan slip from your lips. "Ah..what..w-what's going on? Joonie? Where's Namjoon? H-he's my b-boyfriend-", You frantically spoke while trying to look around. Your breathing was quickly becoming sporadic as you looked for Namjoon's familiar face among all the doctors and nurses. Namjoon heard your panicked questioning and when you began to hyperventilate he snapped into action.


Namjoon suddenly came into my line of sight somewhat calming me instantly. I could feel my chest tighten even more as I tried to reach out for him. "J-Joonie!!..I-I" I tried to apologize for the mess I was in. I'm always causing him problems but he's always there for me. "Shhh love, calm down, calm down. Let's start counting ok? 100..99..98..97..9-", he said calmly. Taking my hand in his large one.

Looking into his eyes and following the sound of his voice I felt my lungs slowly begin to allow the air to flow like normal again. "I'm sorry babe, I should've bee-'', I started, looking in Namjoon's eyes as rage washed over his sharp features. Full lips pressing into a thin line and eyes turning black as coal, he spoke sternly, "Sorry for what Y/N?! You think this is your fault?". Looking up at him and not knowing what to say, I felt a sharp pain in my head as if someone was driving a knife into my skull. My vision of Namjoon started to become blurry and I tried to tell him something was wrong.


Seriously? Only you would be apologizing for something that is totally out of your control. I always had a love/hate relationship with how selfless you were. I didn't want you to think I was upset with you, but before I could apologize I saw your face contort in pain, left hand rising to hold your head. Looking at me, your face was full of agony and the hair on my neck stood with trepidation.

I watched your lips move trying to speak and your eyes roll back in your head. "She's seizing, we need to get her into the OR, now!" I hear the nurse yell and I'm immediately pulled away from you. "Y/N, Y/N it's gonna be ok baby. I'll be right here when you get out, ok?...I'll be right here!" I scream. Tears burn my eyes, blurring the image of you being wheeled behind sterile white doors.

Everything is gonna be ok, it has to be.

***time skip***

It's been two months since I heard your singing while watching you paint, saw you do your little happy dance when you're eating, and felt you pressed against me while we slept. I've barely been able to sleep or eat. Trying to find the willpower to go open the store was a constant uphill battle.

I can hear you cursing at me now, scolding me for not taking care of myself. 'Fuck. Fuck Y/N, I need you. How do you expect me to function without you?'. Walking into your room, you're laying in the hospital bed as you have for the past couple of months. If you were awake, I know for sure you'd be complaining about how uncomfortable the bed is.

Sitting down in the chair beside your bed, I begin to read 'Pride and Prejudice', your favorite book. I never understood why you loved it so much, it's disgustingly cheesy and predictable. "Joonie, let me do me, ok? It's cute and I like it. Support my cheesiness!" My heart aches at the memory of me teasing you, your beautiful smile coming to my mind's eye.


Namjoon's deep voice echoed throughout the quiet room as he read to you. Only the sound of the heart monitor and ventilator filling the air around him. Tears began to spill from his eyes as he looked at you laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to all the machines; looking impossibly small. He reached for your hand, rubbing small circles into the skin of your knuckles.

"Love, I need you to wake up, it's getting harder and harder to do this..I...I need you to smile at me, give me kisses, and smack me when I don't put the toilet seat down." He said sniffling and moving some of your ebony curls away from your face. Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a black headband and begins to gather your hair into his hands, "I bought you your headband, I know you hate when your hair is all over the place", he chuckled. "Hey Namjoon, it's time for us to talk about what's going to happen now.", a voice speaks from behind him.


Placing your headband around your hairline and pushing it back to keep your hair out of your face. I turn to look at your sister, Neema and your brother Lamour as they walk into your room. Lamour's jaw tightens as our eyes meet, eyes sharp with disgust. He hated that you dated outside your ethnicity for some reason, always giving us shit with his sly comments and disapproving looks.

I personally had nothing against your brother; other than his prejudice against me without even knowing me. I just hate how stressed you were the times you visited home with me. Knowing how close you were with your family, it always killed me watching you try and balance your love between me and them. I'm going to marry you someday so of course I want your family to accept me, but I can only make sure you're the happiest person on Earth until they get over their biases.

I stood up offering Neema the chair I was just in to walk over to the window overlooking Seoul. Taking a deep breath, mentally preparing for the battle about to ensure. "Thank you for continuing to trust me to take care of Y/N. I'll keep you guys updated daily. Let me know when you land back in the states" Not leaving any room for argument because you weren't leaving me.


"Thank you for continuing to trust me to take care of Y/N. I'll keep you guys updated daily. Let me know when you land back in the states." Namjoon's voice echoed throughout the room with a tone of finality. Lamour immediately walked over to Namjoon grabbing his shoulder harshly, turning him to look into his eyes. "This isn't some sick fucking fairytale, where Y/N magically wakes up after you kiss her! Look at her! A fucking vegetable because of you and your fucking fetish!" His hazel eyes look like molten amber as he gets into Namjoon's face.

"Our momma raised you better than that Lamour, don't you dare blame him for an accident; a horrible accident! We don't have time for this!" Neema hisses from behind them both, standing from the chair next to your bed. "Namjoon, it's, it's not looking good and the doctor's still don't have any answers for us. We need to accept it for what it is and let Y/N go peacefully. We're going to take her off the ventilator tomorrow and then start the paperwork to bring her body back home after."


"-and start the paperwork to bring her body back home after." Neema's voice trails off. No doubt in response to the unbridled rage consuming my face with each word, jaw tightly clenched. Cutting my eyes between both of your siblings, and watching Lamour take a step back. A growl bubbles up in my chest, threatening to spill out as my hands bawl into fists. Taking a step into Lamour's space, our faces inches apart, the look in my eyes tells him I'm not to be fucked with.

"It's only been a couple of months since the accident and you want to give up already and kill her so you can FUCKING GO BACK HOME SOONER?!", I don't feel bad as my voice steadily rises, rage almost to the breaking point. "We can hear you down the hall, if you can't control yourselves I'll have to ask you all to leave. Coma or not I'm sure Y/N wouldn't want to hear their loved ones at each other's throat!" A nurse cuts in from in between the door to your room and the open hallway outside.


Everyone turns to see you trying to remove the ventilation tube from your throat. I don't hesitate for a second to rush to your side. Falling to my knees and grabbing your hands. You were looking at me, you were awake.

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