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I really love writing this book and although it's no where near finished I'm proud of it.

I usually put the *"note"* every 50 thoughts but I didn't this time. I simply because this is one of the last parts of the book. I will explain later.

So this note is open for books suggestions. Like all the others excluding my sad note which talks about my grandparents.

Please vote, comment and if you like follow me. (I follow back....if you message when I'm online so that's not often. If you follow me please be patient for follow back)


So for all those with questions or inquiries about me or some of my thoughts. Feel free to ask.

Message me on wattpad I'll try to answer.
message me on Instagram
On Instagram do mention that you're from wattpad..... Example

Hi it's SalvageME from wattpad

All questions about the story are welcome and appreciated.
Constructive criticism is allowed. Just add a warning before saying possibly negative comments.

Instagram @thelivingmystery
Do the most

any suggestions on how to continue with this collection of thoughts are welcome.


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