Today 💥Angst💥

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Welcome to another Angst shot! It's not my favourite but give it a read! I hope y'all like it. Thanks!

Trigger warning:
Word count: 1379


All Grian had to do was live, Just for today. Just a bit longer. That makes it sound easy huh?

He hated it. The smell of hospital. It was so clean. So sterile. Death lingered around every corner. But there he was, in the middle of a busy hospital hallway. As sad as it was, He knew exactly where to go. He heard the monitor beeping through the door, as many times as he's heard it, he could never get used to the unsettling high pitched beeping.

Mumbo walked through the door and was greeted by his boyfriend Grian, Or what was left of him anyways. He looked thin and was as pale as paper. His eyes were sunken in and his hands looked fragile. Even in his sleep, Grian looked restless. Mumbo pulled up a chair next to the smaller boy. His movement, though silent, was enough to wake Grian up.

"Hi Gri, How are you feeling today?" Mumbo asked quietly.

Crappy, in pain, tired. Grian thought. But he knew how hard it was for Mumbo to keep coming back and seeing him getting sicker and sicker. So instead he replied,

"I'm alright today Mumbo. Don't worry"

Mumbo nodded before sitting down. He checked the time on his watch and noticed it had only been 5 minutes since he got to the hospital. But it felt like hours. He told Grian about what projects everyone on the server had been working on. He told Grian about how Sahara was doing. And lastly, He told Grian about how much they missed seeing him flying around. How they missed him pulling pranks. It made him smile for the fist time in a while. He pulled a hand over his mouth as he laughed, but felt his hand being pulled away.

"Don't cover that" Grian whispered.

"Cover what?" Mumbo asked puzzled.

"Your smile. It makes me feel better when I see it"

Grian knew how insecure Mumbo was about his smile. But it was still so pure, so full. It made Grian feel okay again. Hearing all that happened in the server during him being gone made Grian feel a bit better. But he knew how bad the Cancer was. He knew he only had a few days left. But he didn't tell Mumbo that. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. So he lied. Grian didn't realize he had spaced out while Mumbo was talking and started to listen to what Mumbo was saying again.

"-Anyway, I definitely would wish for being able to move chests with pistons. What would you wish for?" Mumbo said enthusiastically.

"Hm? Sorry Mumbo, What did you say? All I heard was pistons" Grian replied. Mumbo was such a redstone nerd.

"If you had one wish what would it be?" Mumbo repeated.

Grian thought for a moment. Genuinely wondering what his wish would be. Fame? No. Fortune? Nah. True love? He had already found that in Mumbo. That's when it clicked. A true wish. One that might actually be possible.

"I would wish to be able to fly again. One more time. I would fly around the server and feel the wind in my hair again" Grian smiled at the thought of it. That familiar feeling of the wind surrounding his body.

Mumbo pondered for a moment. The doctors would never allow Grian to leave, especially if it meant Grian had to take out his IV and ventilator. He knew how much flying meant to Grian. That's when it clicked. A flying machine. It would be a great surprise! They could wheel Grian's bed and machines onto it and everything. It was the perfect plan. And so operation "Last wish" commences.

Grian lay still on the hospital bed, listening to the high-pitched beep of the heart monitor. Everything hurt. He just wanted it to be over. His body was frail and unsteady. He felt nauseaus constantly. And everyone around him knew that the cancer cells had spread too far for Grian to recover. So he just waited, until that day that he could finally bid the world goodbye. The day he could finally escape the pain and agony. The day he could finally rest.

It had been a few days since Mumbo had visited Grian. And the small man was still wondering where Mumbo had been. So it was beyond strange when he saw a group of nurses walk in and wheel his bed out along with all the machines.

That's when Grian saw it. There was a big machine, and beside it, tinkering with buttons was Mumbo himself. He wondered what this machine could do, and soon the nurses had finally moved him onto it, giving Grian a moment to ask Mumbo what this was.

"You said you wanted to go on one last fly didn't you?" Mumbo smiled fondly at Grian.

It was then Grian noticed he was tearing up. Mumbo hugged him gently and set off the machine, sending the two upwards and forwards into the sunset. Grian couldn't contain his excitement as they flew higher and higher.

They had been flying for about 5 minutes when Mumbo glanced over at his boyfriend. Grian had his eyes closed, and his curly hair was blowing in the gentle breeze. He felt so calm. So at peace. Mumbo let out a sigh which drew Grian's attention to him. Grian then motioned for Mumbo to come lie beside him. The two snuggled up in Grians small hospital bed, Grian's head laid on Mumbo's shouler as they flew steadily over the shopping district. Grian noticed the mycelium resistance had gotten smaller and been quarantined. That made him smile a bit.

Soon enough it was dark and Mumbo had calculated the flying machine's coordinated to take them back to the hospital, which would take the whole night so Mumbo and Grian decided to lay together and fall asleep. Grian felt chilly and shivered in the cold night air. Mumbo pulled a warm blanket over him as Grian snuggled closer.

"Mumbo?" Grian asked


"I love you"

"I love you too Grian"

"Mumbo..I know it's the end. I know you've accepted it. And-" Grian was cut off.

"Promise you'll say goodbye" Mumbo said quietly.

"I promise" Grian replied as Mumbo planted a kiss on Grian's forehead.

The small man knew this was the last time he would feel Mumbo's lips touch his skin. And he toom in every moment.

Soon enough Mumbo drifted into a soft slumber.

Grian made sure Mumbo was asleep before unplugging all the machines from the outlet beside his bed. The drip stopped and the medicine ceased from flowing into his body. Along with the ventilator, which supplied the oxygen Grian's lungs couldn't aquire alone anymore. He finally relaxed into Mumbo's figure and started to doze off, but not before fulfilling his promise.

"Goodbye" Grian whispered, Just like he promised.

He couldn't say goodbye straight to Mumbo's face. This was the best he could do.

Mumbo woke up to the sun shining in his face. He went to move but something felt off. Grian's weight was entirely on him. The machines weren't turned on and there was no high pitched heart monitor beeping. Mumbo grabbed a hold of Grian's hand frantically but pulled away as soon as he felt it. The smaller mans hand was cold. So so cold. Mumbo's eyes started to water as he raised his fingers up to check Grian's pulse, half expecting to feel a steady heart beat. But there wasn't one there. Grian lay still, his eyes were closed and a small smile lingered on his empty body.

"No...Please no..." Mumbo whispered. Slightly paralyzed at the feel of Grian's lifeless body in his arms.

"You didn't say goodbye"


I know how high Angst expectations are! I hope this fulfilled them, if it didn't i'm sorry. I'll try again next time.

Also, sidenote. If you could support my friend not_raya that would be great! She recently published a short story called "Tinted Green" and I personally love the concept and book in general. So go check it out if you're interested! Thanks!

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