Ditching Class 🍋💥🌼💧MEGA COMBO💧🌼💥🍋

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I thought of this Crazy Idea that I would incorporate a few of the genres together into a MEGA COMBO. It has A bit of fluff, a touch of lime and a lotta angst and sad stuff. Enjoy reading!

Trigger warnings-
That would spoil it.
Read at your own risk.

Word count- 1394


The pair pulled up to school, Grian's hair was slightly messy fromthe windows being rolled down the whole ride there. He fixed it up in the scratched mirror of Mumbo's old car before stuffing the rest of his breakfast burrito in his mouth and hopping out of the car. Mumbo followed after chugging down the rest of his, now cold, coffee.

They walked into the school hand in hand, smiling at the crowds that followed them. The couple was extremely popular among their peers, but they were still really nice people. The bell rang and they parted ways, Mumbo landed a quick kiss on Grian's cheek before he headed to his redstone lecture. Grian strolled down the hall to architecture class. When Grian entered he saw his friend Iskall sitting at the back of the class throwing paper balls in a girls hair. Grian rolled his eyes as he took his seat beside Iskall.

"Just because you want StressMonsters attention doesn't mean you have to act like a douche." Grian said, nudging Iskall in the side with his elbow.

"Shut up Gri, I-i just wanted to ask her for a pencil" Iskall shot back, cracking his knuckels. Grian noticed that knuckle-cracking was Iskalls nervous tick.

Grian took Iskall's binder and opened it, pulling out a pencil case. He dumped the contents onto the desk, low and behold, there were 3 perfectly alright pencils ready to be used.

"Liar! Don't deny it! You LoOOve Her" Grian teased.

Iskalls cheeks went pink as he buried his face into his hands. He nodded his head in confirmation and Grian pumped his fist in triumph and a shot Iskall an 'I knew it' look.
Grian tried multiple times after that to get stress and iskall together. He would bump them together whenever they stood near eachother and would try to get them to be partners for their Architecture projects. They ended up being partners. Grian was the ultimate wingman. He sat back down at his desk and looked at his phone. Clicking on the notification.


"Hey Gri, Wanna meet up at the staircase behind the library?" 11:02 AM

"Sure, Be there soon Mumby!" 11:05 AM

Grian asked for a bathroom pass and sprinted down the hall, excitement building up inside him. This definitley wasn't the first time he and Mumbo had met up and ditched class. The two would often leave and meet under the stairs to Make ou- I MEAN. "Hangout" Somedays they could spend a good 20 minutes outside the class and the teachers honestly couldn't care less. When Grian approached their special hidden spot he saw Mumbo holding an Apple and taking bites out of it as he read a book. Mumbo looked up and smiled.

"Hi babe, How's architecture going?" Mumbo asked, lifting an eyebrow in genuine interest.

"Amazing as usual, But guess what? I got Stress and Iskall to be project partners!" Grian gleamed, proud of his accomplishment. "I'm the worlds best wingman"

Mumbo chuckled before standing up from his spot on the floor, he set dwon his book and apple. Grian went from looking down at Mumbo to craning his neck upward to make eye contact with his langly boyfriend. Mumbo grabbed Grian by the waist and pulled the smaller man into his chest.

Grian could hear Mumbo's heart beating steadily. Mumbo grabbed Grian's cheek and leaned in for a kiss. It started off slow but escalated as Mumbo stuck his tongue in Grian's mouth. The red sweatered man let out a shudder as he felt Mumbo's cold hands slowly making their way up his shirt. Grian wrapped his arms around Mumbo's neck and hopped on so that Mumbo was lifting him off the ground and his legs were wrapped around Mumbo's waist. The kiss was passionate, sweet, so full of love. Their lips parted only to take a breath before starting again. Grian's eyes were so full of lust that it was basically pouring out of him.


Mumbo and Grian seperated. They looked eachother in the eye before realizing what was going on. They had to get to a classroom and hide, but they were in a hallway far from any classrooms. The library was closed for cleaning. Mumbo grabbed Grian's hand and they ran through the halls trying to find an open classroom door. But they were too late. All the doors were shut around them. Grian and Mumbo decided to retreat back to the spot they were in and hide there. Grian ran through the hall panicking.

Soon enough he couldn't see Mumbo behind him. The small man started to hyperventilate. His breathing was unsteady and it felt like his lungs were being filled with water. He heard gunshots from across the school and people screaming. He spun around trying to find Mumbo and frantically started running through the hallways again. He turned a corner and saw a person with a gun standing at the end of the long corridor. Grian froze with fear, tears welling up in his eyes. His knees trembled as he made eye contact with the murderer. His lip quivered and his thoughts went blank. All he could think about was that this was the end of him and that he couldn't do anything about it.

The Shooter aimed his gun at Grian. The hooded figure shifted his grip on the weapon and pulled the trigger. Grian counted the moments like the world was in slow motion.


Grian opened his eyes. He didn't feel anything hit him and he looked down to see if he was hit anywhere. Then, Grian looked up. His face shifts into horror as he saw Mumbo standing in front of him. His boyfriend turned to face Grian. Mumbo grabs his side and looks at his hand, a red stain spread across it. Grian sees the blood seeping through Mumbo's white dress shirt. Mumbo falls to his knees and tries to steady his shaky breathing as the blood poured out of his wound. He gasps for air, but it was doing nothing. Grian places a hand on Mumbo's cheek and Mumbo presses it against his face. Grian's eyes are gushing with tears as he sees Mumbo lie on the ground. They say nothing to each other and simply take i each other's presence. Grian feels Mumbo's hand go limp and watches as his boyfriends eyes glaze over, losing all signs of life. Grian let's out a scream as he cries into Mumbo's dead body. He looks up to see the gun man walking towards him. Memories flash through Grian's head as he remembers the lyrics to the song they heard on his and Mumbo's first date. The tune played in his head until a certain lyric hit him.

'Wherever you go I won't be far to follow'

Grian's vision was blurry as he grabbed onto Mumbo's hand and ducked his head into Mumbo's chest. He laid there, letting the tears soak into Mumbo's shirt. The footsteps were getting closer by the second.

Click, Click, BANG.

And all Grian saw was darkness.

Time skip...

Iskall walked up to the large black gates of the cemetary, A roll of paper in hand. He storlled through the area, admiring the green grass and flowers scattered all over the place. He gripped the paper tighter as he walked up to a pair of tombstones, side by side on the grass. The plots were just starting to grow back the grass on top of them. Iskall smiled, he set down a boquet of flowers before stepping back and looking up at the clouds.

"I hope you two are together up there" He said, staring at the white sheets that rolled passed high above him.

The paper in his hand was scrawled with big black letters. Iskall re-read the headline.

Shooting at Hermitville Highschool.
6 students found dead. 12 found injured.

He read the smaller text on the article.

Honour roll student, MumboJumbo and Architecture prodigy, Grian, found dead at the scene. Hand in hand.


I'm proud of how this one came out! The newspaper part was inspired by "Fairylights" by Lueyluna23. Go check her out she is an AMAZING writer!

Thanks for reading! 💖✌🏼

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