Wanna go for a fly? 💧Sad Boi Hours💧

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Character death
This story is kinda espresso depresso so just bear with me

Word count: 1764

Sidenote- Let's just pretend that you can't respawn in this version of the world. Okay? Ok. Good, Have fun reading!

"I Never got to tell him how I felt!" He sobbed.
"I never got to hug him and tell him how much I loved him!!"

The man curled up into a ball and sniffed. His breath hitching.

"This can't be real-" He choked.

-3 days prior-

"Hi Mumby!" Grian yelled from his steady glide down to where Mumbo was standing. He had redtone powder all over his hands, some dust even speckling his face.

Why does he look so cute when he's a mess?
Grian thought to himself. He blushed slightly. You see Grian had a crush on Mumbo. He kept telling himself it just a minor crush. But he knew that was a blatant lie. The real question was, did Mumbo feel the same way?

"Hey Gri, What's up?" Mumbo replied.

Mumbo then remembered something that made his heart drop a little bit. Something he should have told his Best friend (and crush ever since they met). But he kept to himself. He was sick. And by sick I mean a few days to live sick.

"Nothing much, just dropping in to say hello, Whatcha workin' on?"

It involves buttons
Grian thought as he studied the redstone contraption. He pushed a button, which activated a lever, and unsurprisingly caused the machine to explode.

Grian shrugged his shoulders. Whoops.

Mumbo laughed and started to pick up the scattered peices of redstone. Placing them into a red shulker box. He then equipped his Elytra.

"Wanna go for a fly?" He asked

Grian nodded his head eagerly, And launched himself into the sky doing a loopty-loop. He loved to show off his flying ablilities. Mumbo clumsily followed suit and the two helplessly inlove boys flew side by side across the ocean until the reached a small island covered in flowers. They decided to land and take a break.

Grian started his descent first, Landing gracefully onto a small hill. He watched as the mustached man attempted at a graceful landing, but instead tripped up and landed on a bed of rose bushes. He scrambled out of it like nothing had happened, ignoring the clearly bleeding scratches on his face and the tear in his pant leg. Grian ran up to him.

"Mumbo, You're face. Oh my god that looks painful."

Grian pulled out his ender chest and grabbed a potion of healing. Mumbo drank it up and felt much better. Or so they both thought. Mumbo and Grian climbed up a small hill to watch the sun set over the server. As they approached the summit Mumbo felt uneasy, He stumbled, falling onto his knees and let out a few hard coughs into his palms. Grian looked back to see Mumbo's hands splattered with blood. A look of horror spreading across his face.

"Mumbo! Wha-Are you okay? What's happening?!" Grian cried frantically.

"I'm sorry Gri, I should have told you sooner-" Mumbo replied weakly

"Told me what?" The red-sweatered man interupted. His eyes welling up with tears, It was hard to see the man he adored looking like this.

"We have to get you to a hospital!" Grian said standing up from his kneeling position.

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