you ever knock?!

596 9 1

They walk in on you changing. What do they do?

[ • Sorry for my being inactive for a really long time, darlings! ♡ •]


•"oh shit!-"
•flustered mess
•will apologize quickly and shut the door
•after youre doing changing, she'll walk in again and say sorry a million times
•you have to comfort her for a while


•blinks, until he realizes the situation he's in
•you push him out, and he shouts from the other side he's sorry.
•he slaps his face in stupidity, blushing a bit from embarresment.
•after he walks back in after youre done changing, he'll apologize after doing what he needs to do


•same as michael, he doesnt realize the situation he's in until he thinks about it
•he then blushes from embarresment and shuts the door immediately
•"SORRY Y/N!-"
•sighs in embarresment.


•"o-oh my! sorry dear!-"
•closes the door softly, and walks away quickly
•she's drinking tea in panic
•after youre done changing, she'll walk over to you and apologize millions of times.
•she treats you to some tea as an apology too.


•she walks in, looks at you, walks back out.
•"sorry sweetie! let me know when youre done please!"
•sounds chill but is panicking in gay
•she apoligizes immediately afterwords she walks into your room.
•kisses your cheek as an apology.

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