light of your life~

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Y/N: Am I-

Y/N: *presses button to reveal theyre covered in lights*

Y/N: the light of your life?~

{ Idea from ilikecutestuf ♡ }


<Setting: Winter time!>


•"PFFT, Y/N-"
•she laughs as she softly hits you
•she helps you untangle yourself of the lights
•"yes, you are the light of my life." and then she kisses your forehead/cheek


•"pfft, yes you are. now how the hell did you get in those lights-"
•laughs at he tries helping you untangle yourself
•he made it worst so he had to call for help
•you two laughed it off and went to go get hot cocoa


•"maybe you are, my beautiful shining star~"
•as you were about to softly punch his arm, you fell but he caught you
•he smirked and said
•"see, now you've fallen for me."
•he laughs as he helps you out of the lights.


•she laughed and said, "yes sweetie, you are the light of my life!"
•she kissed you and laughed, while calling somebody to help her untangle you
•afterwords, she got you hot cocoa and her some hot tea.


•"haha, yes sweetie. you are my knight shining armor"
•she helps you out of the lights and brings you home
•she gives you hot cocoa while she drinks some nice, warm honey tea.
•lots of warm cuddles!

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