if they confessed

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[Photo from Ashley's ig]


-she would probably confess to you after stream
-she would give you 2-3 paragraphs of why she loves you
-please accept her omg she wrote an entire school essay about you
-after you accept her, she will announce you two are dating, unless you're not yet comfortable with it. she'll wait some time.


-he would probably confess during the middle of the stream
-he used his angel dust voice to say, "i love you, y/n."
-he'll become shy for a few seconds, while waiting for your response
-after you say yes, he promised to take you to get icecream as if it were a date.


-he'd ask before the end of the stream.
-to be honest, he would be shy to confess to you.
-but he didnt let that show
-after you had said yes to being his girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other, he'll come over to your house and will watch anime and cuddle with you.


-would ask after/before the stream
-she was so shy, she could only let out a peep sometimes
-after you say yes to being her partner, she takes you to go do some fun activities as if it were a date
-she loves being with you


-will ask you before the stream
-she was a tad shy, but still had her confidence
-after you became her partner, she asked if she could let the others know you two are now dating.
-after stream, you guys will watch some disney movies whil eating popcorn and cuddling.

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