their reaction

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Them: what are you reading?

You: a book of pictures i love.

Them: *looks over* babe, those are pictures of me.

You: Exactly.

[ ♡ ]


•Flustered as hell-
•Will kiss your cheek afterwords
•Still a bit flustered


•"aw babe, that was smooth. and sweet, too."
•will kiss your cheek
•He will then flirt back after a few seconds of silence


•takes him a moment to process what you just said
•big ego mode on.
• "Of course you would look at pictures of me, I am rather handsome. But, we knoe you're pretty cute as well."
• Kisses your forehead.


•she giggles at your adorable flirt
•"aw, honey! you're so nice!"
•technically a giggling mess
•cuddles you after you put the book down.


•a tad flustered
•"awhh, how nice of you deary."
•kisses your forehead
•will do a comeback flirt just for you.

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