"You look beautiful as always." He said making me blush.

He then gave me a kiss.

"I need to bring a gift." I said.

I then went to the kitchen and went through our cabinets.

Namjoon started laughing at me.

"Why do you always feel so obligated to bring a gift." He asked me.

"I just don't want to go there empty handed." I said.

I found an already made charcuterie board in the refrigerator that I bought at the grocery store 2 days ago.

"We're gonna bring this." I told him.

"We were gonna eat that while watching Netflix." He pouted.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and promised I'd buy another one.

We went across the hall to Nari's.

She opened the door and let us in.

Everyone that was in the conference room earlier was here.

I looked around and Nari had put up our photos from our photo shoot.

There was balloons that looked like letters that spelled out "congratulations".

"I brought you this charcuterie board." I told Nari.

She took it. "Awwww thank you Y/N... How about you help me in the kitchen and Joon can mingle." She said while smiling.

I followed her into the kitchen while Namjoon went to talk to the others.

She put down the charcuterie board on her counter and faced me.

"Y/N..... I don't mean to ruin your night like this.... You know Ben and Jason are planning on flying out to Seattle in a couple of days." She said to me very seriously.

I took a deep breath. "I-I know... I still don't know what to do." I said quietly.

"What does Namjoon think about the job?" She asked

Get ready for her to scream because once she finds out.

"Well.... I haven't told him yet." I said with a fake smile.

Nari slammed her drink on the counter and dragged me to her bedroom and shut the door.

"Y/N! What is wrong with you? Don't you love Namjoon?" She yelled

"Of course I do!!" I yelled back

"Then why won't you take the fucking job then!!??" She yelled at me.

I lost it. I broke into tears and sat on his bed.

"I'm scared Nari. This is living together.... I never lived in a different country before. I just don't want to be a burden." I said while crying

She came and put her arm around me.

"Y/N.... I know this is scary, but you and him really love each other. You would never burden Namjoon." She said making me smile a little.

I told her I still needed a day to make up my mindset and she would support my decision.

We walked into the living room. Namjoon saw me and smiled, he put his arm around my shoulders. I'm going to tell him right now about the job offer.

"Hey Nam-" I started saying but was cut off.

Bang PD was very drunk a he wanted to give a speech.

"Everyone I want to give a toast 🥂 to everyone who worked so hard on this collaboration project. As always my 7 boys did a fantastic job. Ben, Jason, Y/N... You have amazed me if it weren't for the 3 of you coming here from America, we wouldn't be standing here in the same room together. You three are part of this team and family now. I was impressed with all your work especially our Y/N over here." Bang PD said while smiling at me.

Oh crap, he's gonna mention the job offer isn't he?? I'm in deep shit now.

"I was so impressed with her work editing and producing songs with Namjoon.... Well I offered her a job. I hope she accepts." He said while smiling.

Shit. Everyone started looking at me. Namjoon looked so ticked off.

"Y/N is gonna work with us??!!!" Tae said excitedly while smiling.

I cleared my throat.

"W-Well ummm..... You seeee-." I said but was cut off by Namjoon taking me out the apartment by my arm and into the hall way.

He crossed his arm and frowned at me.

"Y/N! When were you planning on telling me about this job offer?" He asked

"I know Namjoon. I was about to tell you, then PD-Nim wanted to say a speech." I said to him quietly with my head down.

"How long ago did he tell you?" He asked.

I looked at him looking and feeling guilty. "About 2 weeks ago." I said

He sighed at me looking annoyed.

"Well I'm upset that you didn't tell me. You are taking this job right?" He asked

I don't know why I still can't say yes to this job offer.

"I-I don't know."

He ran his fingers through his hair. He then looked at me, he was pissed.

"What you mean you don't know?!" He yelled

"I'm just afraid that I'm going to be a burden for you. I've never lived outside the country before and then my Dad...." I said

Dad is doing better now but I still worry about him.

"Your Dad is better now. He's fine... You would never be a burden to me. I love you and I want you to be here with me Y/N. I want to take care of the woman I love." He said now holding my hand.

He had slight tears in his eyes now.

"I-I just need to think about this still it's a huge decision. I'm just scared." I said hoping he'd understand.

He let go of my hand and walked away.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Too bed...... I'm tired." He said sadly.

He then went inside our apartment and left me by myself in the hallway.

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