Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Liam, sweetie, can you come here?"

My mom never called me sweetie. That was the first clue that something was wrong. I was in my room, thinking about all the things I could've said to make that fight with Mackenzie end differently..better. Instead of considering all of the options as to what could be wrong, I just trudged down the stairs.

My mom and dad were sitting at the kitchen counter. I didn't even know my dad was home. He could've at least came upstairs to speak, the prick. "Yes, mom?"

My mom looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "Liam baby, Mackenzie's in the hospital. She was in a horrible car accident."

I didn;t react like I was supposed to, I suppose. I didn't deny it like in all those romantic tragedy movies, I didn't break down in tears like the world was over. I just walked off, grabbing my keys and jacket before hopping into my car.

"Liam!" I ignored my mom.

"Who the hell is Mackenzie?" I ignored my dad.

When I arrived at the hospital, the receptionist told me that only family was being allowed to see her. All I could do was sit and wait. Wait and pray. Pray that Mackenzie, my Mackezie, would be okay.

About an hour after I arrived, a dark-haired gothic looking guy came in, tears in his eyes. "Mackenzie Davis." My ears piped up.

"I'm sorry sir, but only family is being allowed to see her at this time," the pudgy lady told him.

"I am family. I'm Lance..Lance Davis. She's my sister. Let me go see my sister!"

The woman nodded in understanding. "She's in room 215 C."

He muttered a quick thank you before bounding off down the hall.

I should've thought of that. I should've been the one to go see her. She was mine. I couldn't help the immediate jealousy that took over me. This was the Lance she had slept with. He got to go see her. The anger that overtook me was unbearable. I wanted to punch something- anything. That wasn't true. I wanted to punch him, let him see what real pain feels like.

Mackenzie's P.O.V.

I was fluttering in and out of consciousness. The silence was nauseating. All I could remember was the sound of my own screaming and then..silence. Complete and utter silence. It was so loud. Then came the pain. It made me wish that chrysler would come back and finish me off. The pain scared me more than the darkness did, and when the pain stopped, the numbness scared me more than the pain did. Had I lost an eye? Were my injuries so bad that they made me blind? Was I in a coma?! Then the voices broke through.

"She should be waking up any minute now. Her vital signs are good. She's been responding to the treatments. She got off easy, just a few minor broken bones and a concussion. Not nearly as bad as the other driver."

The other driver? Had I seriously hurt someone? Oh God. I released a small groan.

"See, she's waking up now. She can probably hear us. Go ahead, talk to her. It might help speed up her coming to."

"Kenzie?" That was my mom's voice. I wanted so badly to respond. "Mackenzie." She gripped my hand. "Come on, Baby. Mama's here."

I focused all my energy on my left hand. Move, you idiot.

"Ohmygod! Did you see that? She moved her fingers. You saw it right?" My mom's voice had risen in excitement. "Mackenzie, open your eyes," she demanded.

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