Chapter 22

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Holy Freakin' Shizz! I just glanced at my views and I have 503! I remember begging for people to share so I could make 100 views. Lol. Thanks to everyone who's been reading even if you're not voting or following. If you guys get me up to a thousand views I think it might be quite possible that I will cry. I didn't even think I would make 100 views when I first posted this story. Thank You SO Much!

Chapter 22

"Shut. Up."

Melody and I were in my car, on our way to school. She normally took the school bus so she could meet up with her friends and so I didn't have moments like these- with her on the phone in my car being loud and obnoxious, but today we were running a bit late.


This was getting so annoying. "Melody will you please shut up?!"

She rolled her eyes at me and kept going with her conversation until I turned the radio on and blasted Rihanna's Pour It Up, singing along at the top of my lungs. When I reached the chorus she ended her call and threw her phone down into her lap, crossing her arms and glaring at me. "Are you happy now?"

I smirked. "Very," I replied as i turned the radio down.

The rest of our ride was pretty much silent except for when a song we both knew came on and we would both hum along softly until it evently merged into full blown shouting at the top of our lungs. If anyone saw us singing, they'd probably think we were escaped mental patients.

The first thing I noticed as we pulled into the school's parking lot was the amount of students standing outside of the building. That was odd but not too unusual. I parked the car and me and Melody both exited it, heading towards the cluster of students by the front door.

Melody found Kelsey and tapped her. "Kels, what's going on?"

Kelsey, being in on all the drama, was quick to pipe up an answer. "Some thugs broke into the school last night and trashed it. They TP'd the football field and spraypainted the walls. I think I saw some crickets in there too," she added.

Crap. This was a bigger deal than I expected. "Are they allowing students inside?" I asked Kelsey, interrupting whatever commentary she and Melody had started up.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It's pretty toxic in there. I think they released perfume into the vents."

Perfume? In the vents? That was not part of the plan. "Wait here, Mel. I have to go check on something." I didn't wait for her response. I barreled through the crowd until I had somehow managed to get to the building doors. There were administrators scattered all about trying to get the student population under control, but none of them decided it would be a good idea to guard this door. Public school systems...

Quickly, I opened the door and slid inside the school, closing the door behind me. Immediately, a wave of nausea hit me. The scent of perfume was so pungent that I literally felt like barfing it up. It smelt like Victoria's Secret's Amber Romance. I would know because my grandma Rosa always sent me two bottles for every holiday. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't actually wear perfume..well at the time, so I would just stock the bottles up in my closet. Gagging and coughing, I raised my shirt up above my mouth and nose and traveled down the halls, examining the damage.

In multiple colored bubble print on the wall in the main hallway the words "LETS BE BUTT BUDDIES!" I stifled a laugh at the innapropriate and probably offensive phrase. While heading up to the second floor, I heard glanced down to the floor and noticed a bunch of dead crickets. Perfume poisoning. Sorry you didn't make it little buddies.

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