Chapter 9

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Author's Note: I'm almost at my hundreth read!!! This means so much to me guys, so spread the word about my story and help me get there, please! I know that's not a lot, but it's amazing to me that people are actually reading my story. :) I thank those of you who have been reading so much. I'm really excited if you couldn't tell. XD

Chapter 9

"Mackenzie!" Crap. I had been trying to sneak into the house unnoticed. Ah, well. I stopped my pursuit up the stairs and turned around to face my mother. She was curled up in Miguel's lap on the couch, looking accusingly at me.

"Yes, mom?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Where were you?"

"The library. I told you."

She stood, coming toward me. "Then where are the books?"

I mentally face-palmed. How could I forget the books? "Look mom.."

"Don't lie to me young lady! I know you were with that boy." She grabbed my arm, snatching me down the last few steps and swinging me around to meet her eyes. I pulled away, not used to her manhandling me.

"Mom!" Her grip just tightened and I was sure there would be a bruise later. "Mom! It hurts!"

"What did he tell you?" She demanded.

I kept tugging away from her unsuccessfully. "Nothing, mom! He told me nothing!"

Her eyes glazed over and I smelled the alcohol on her breath. My mom never drank. "Yes he did! Mackenzie why are you lying to me? I thought you loved me." Tears began to stream down her face and with one last tug, she unwillingly released me.

I fought back my own tears. "Mom, what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything, just kept crying. Suddenly, Miguel was wrapping her in his arms. He stared me in my eyes. "Lina's pregnant." The amount of pure shock and displeasure that ran through my body amazed even me. I felt..betrayed. How could she not tell me? My thoughts drifted to Liam and the incident and I felt even more betrayed. How could he not tell me?

I wiped away the first tear drop. "Thanks for knocking up my mom and ruining my life," I whispered to Miguel before running out of the house. The desire for fresh air was overwhelming. I hopped into my car and drove to the beach. This was starting to be a habbit.

Once I was parked in the beach's parking lot, I gently rested my head on the steering wheel. What was my life coming to?

I don't know how much time had passed, or even when I fell asllep, but a loud tap awoke me. My head snapped up to my window to see a smiling Liam. I ignored him. His eyes showed hurt (more to his pride than feelings) before he walked over to the other side and opened the door, climbing in. Why didn't I lock that?

Liam looked genuinely confused. "What's wrong, Kenz? What'd I do?"

I shot him a glare. "You know what you did."

Understanding crossed his features and he let out a slow, steady breath. "I get it. I'm sorry I kissed you. I shouldn't have, it was a mistake. You're my friend and I should've respected that. Forgive me?"

He was staring at me now, eyes unsure and begging me to reply. "That's not what this is about, Liam!" I scoffed, "And nice to know what you thought about our kiss."

His eyebrows furrowed. "It's not?"

My patience was wearing thin. "No!"

He shook his head, thinking of the possibilities. "Then what..?"

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