Chapter 29

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2000 READS! I think I've just died and gone to heaven. Thank you guys so much!

Chapter 29

I decided to just go home after the whole lunch room fiasco. That didn't stop me from hearing all the cruel things people were already saying about me.

"She's such a slut."

"I knew the skank waggon would turn her out."

"How could she do that to Liam? I bet he's heartbroken."

"Guys, just cut it out."

"Why Olivia? You of all people know how selfish she is."

Before exiting the building, I snuck a peek up at the cheerleaders who were gathering in the hall.

Olivia met my eyes. "Because she's going to go through enough hell as is without our added on drama."

At this I sniffled a bit before exiting the building. I was seriously in some deep shit.

Somehow, I found my way over to Lance's house. It took two really long bus rides but after an hour and a half, I made my way to Lance's front door.

Calm down, Mackenzie. This is Lance. He loves you. You love him. Just apologize. He'll accept it. He'll accept you.

Almost shaking, I knocked on his door.

Moments later, Lance emerged from the house, closing the door behind him. Did that mean I wasn't invited in?

"What do you want, Mackenzie?"

I recoiled at his words. So we were back to using my full name. "What do you mean what do I want? I want you. I want..I just want.."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Mackenzie you don't know what you want and its pathetic. First you wanted me then you wanted him, then you slept with me, then you slept with him. Just give it a break already because quite frankly..I'm tired. I'm tired of waiting on you and trying to read you, Mack. I'm so tired." His eyes began watering towards the last bit of his declaration. I had really hurt him.

Restraining my tears, I came up with a response. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, Lance, I really am. I-I never meant to but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I love you, Lance. I really do." My tears began to fall heavily. I knew I probably resembled a dying hippo in the face as I broke down, but I didn't care..that much. Lance was leaving me and I knew it. He was finally giving up on me just when I needed him to believe in me the most.

Two tears escaped his right eye. "I'll always love you, Mackenzie." And that's when I knew we were done. He said Mackenzie, not Mack.

A loud wail escaped my lips before I turned and ran off. I could vaguely hear Lance's footsteps behind me, most likely trying to stop me before I ran into traffic and got hit..again but I didn't care. We were over. That's all I needed to hear. It was utterly unbearable.

When I was about a quarter of a mile away from Liam's place, it began to rain.

"Great," I shouted up at the sky. "How terribly typically cliche of you!"

Collapsing into the grass on the side of the road, I watched the rain fall. It was falling heavily, so much so that I was completely drenched within thirty seconds of sitting down. A car drove by the curb and splashed a puddle up onto me. My first thought was to scream out, but what good would that have done? Everything for me was already ruined anyway. I lost both of my loves in one day and all of my sanity was slowly slipping out of the window anyway.

Why was I such a screw up? Why was I so damned stupid? I ruined everything. Me. Not anyone else. Clawing at my hair, I let loose a few more tears as I contemplated my actions. Chances were, there was no way in hell Liam was going to let me back into his house. So where was I supposed to live now?

Reluctantly, I forced myself up from the ground and took off towards my destination. When I arrived, instead of using my key, I rang the doorbell.

"Mackenzie!" Allyson's warm smile relaxed my nerves a bit, but only a bit.

I managed a half smile back. "Hi, Allyson."

"Come in, come in." She waved me inside then closed the door. "Why didn't you just use your key? And why aren't you in school?"

I started to speak but at the last moment changed my mind.

"Not ready to talk about it?" I nodded. Allyson smiled, flipping her blonde hair back behind her shoulder. "Well we could have lunch?"

I glanced at the clock. It was almost three and Liam would be home soon. Lunch wasn't a good idea. "Actually, Allyson, I only came by to collect my things. I'm moving back home," I admitted.

Allyson's face dropped slightly, but she quickly covered it up. "Really? That's great!"

I smiled. "Yeah," I sighed.

Her smile turned concerned. "Is something wrong?"

I gave her a weak smile. "I've just really screwed everything up. I wouldn't expect you to understand or take my side because I hurt your son and everything's all my fault. It would be best if I just left, honestly."

Unexpectedly, Allyson wrapped me in her arms. "Whatever you did, whoever you hurt, just know that everything always gets better. It may seem like the end of the world right now, but the only direction you can go from the bottom is up." Then she pulled away and stared me in my eyes. "You don't have to leave, Mackenzie. I know you two can work it out, whatever it is."

I don't know what possessed me. Maybe it was that loving look in her eyes that told me I really was like the daughter she always wanted or maybe it was the fact that my big mouth wanted to screw up everything lately, but the enxt line I blurted out was unexpected to the both of us. "I cheated on Liam."

Allyson barely had a chance to release a gasp and send me a hurt look before Liam himself barged through the door. As soon as he laid eyes on me, his face morphed into one of anger and hostility. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

I don't know what I was really expecting for the next time that I saw him. I knew he wouldn't forgive me, but I guess I kind of thought that he might have calmed down a bit. "I'm just here for my things, Liam."

He snorted. "Oh. you mean the things that my mom bought for you with her money? Those things are our property. Nothing you own is here."


"Stop!" His eyes flared. "Don't. Don't even say my name. Hearing it come off of a whore's tongue makes it sound dirty."

That a lot. "Yet you loved to hear Sadie Pierce say it."

That was meant to silence him but he was quick with the comebacks today. "At least she was honest about what she was, slut."

"Liam!" Allyson looked as if she was about to have a heart attack. "Have some respect! Please!"

I could already feel the burn of tears developing in my eyes. "No. He's right. I completely deserved that. Um, I'm just- I'm just gonna go."

"Mackenzie," Allyson called out to me as I neared the front door. "Don't leave things like this."

The first few tears chose to make themselves known right after she said this. "I-"

"Shut up and leave," Liam growled.

When I walked past him, I looked into his eyes one last time. In them, I didn't see what I was accustomed to seeing. Amusement, happiness, love. None of that was there anymore. It was all replaced by an empty misplaced anger.

 Without another word, I exited the one place I had called home for the past few weeks, emptyhanded just as I had come.

Reluctantly, I started heading for the one place I had left to go to in hopes that I would be welcomed with open arms.

Alrighty, this took forever and I am in no way happy with it. It's lacking emotion and I know it. I just feel a little disconnected from this story right now. I am so very very sorry. Next chapter will be the last chapter and I have made it like a life goal to have it finished and up before August 12th. This book shall be finished before I go back to school.


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