Chapter 21

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Dedicated to Olivia for threatening me repeatedly and making me feel like a horrible person until I wrote this chapter.

Pic's Close Enough to What Mackenzie's Wearing

Chapter 21

"Mackenzie, get your ass in the car or I will run you over with it!"

After Macey and Riley all but dragged me out of my room and house, I now had to deal with Tracy's impatience.

"I'm sorry!" I stomped up to her car and made sure to slam the door. Just because I was going didn't mean I had to like it.

Macey slid into the front seat with Tracy while Riley hopped into the back, making me scoot over into the middle seat as Kace was taking up the other window seat. Great. It's like a fricken hunk sandwhich. The filling? Me.

We then drove to Clark's effing mansion. Yes, I said mansion. I would've never guessed Clark was rich from the way he acted. Out of all of Liam's friends, Clark was actually the most indescrete, which in my eyes, made him decent. Not snotty at all like I assumed rich kids would be-like how Tracy is. He and Liam came rushing out with two duffle bags and hopped into what I assumed was Clark's or one of Clark's cars. Riley and Kace immediately hopped out of the convertible to head that way. I followed suit. A ride over to the school with Tracy and Macey just didn't seem bearable at this moment.

"Where are you going?"

I stopped right at the jeep door and turned to face Macey. "I just thought I'd ride over with the guys," I sighed, not wanting to explain myself to them.

Macey gave me an incredulous look. "You ride with the girls. It's tradition."

"How is it tradition, Mace? You only do one senior prank."

Her eyes flared. "It doesn't matter!"

"I don't want Kace! I'm not gonna touch your stupid boyfriend!"

Macey visibly relaxed at that last statement. She shrugged her shoulders, turning her back and sliding her black shades down over her eyes. "Suit yourself." I had to admit that her and Tracy's outfits were pretty badass. They were both clad in tight black jumpsuits that slightly resembled catwoman's ensemble. I however, was just wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans, my hair in a bun.

"Hey birdbrain, are you getting in or what?"

I turned to glare at Kace. "Shut it, doofus," I retorted while climbing into the backseat of the jeep. I ended up having a window seat this time, thank God. Kace sat in the middle and Riley had once again claimed the other window seat. Clark was driving. Liam occupied the passenger seat.

He turned to face me, grinning. "Hey Babe," he purred.

Okay so it probably wasn't a purr, but everything this boy said to me had me on my toes ready to tip head over heels. I returned his smile. "Hey," I whispered, out of breath.

Kace chuckled next to me but shut up once I glared at him. Riley wasn't so easily intimidated.

"Liam, she's not gonna be a screamer." My glare intensified. "Probably a low moaner," he added and all the guys in the car burst into laughter.

I shook my head. So it was either this, or Tracy and Macey. I still choose this. I caught myself smiling at this revelation.

"What's so funny?"

Without looking up at Kace I muttered, "Your face."

Surprisingly, this got me chuckles out of two of the four guys. Look at me with my lame jokes.

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