Chapter 26

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Now guess who's back with a brand new chap, got everybody on the site readin that?

I apologize with all of my heart for being so late :(

Recap? Don't mind if I do.

Mackenzie's dating Liam but she slept with her best friend Lance because they fell in love at summer camp like four years ago and the love's still there but she chose Liam over Lance beacause she likes being popular and doesn't think Liam deserves to know. Lance is, of course, heartbroken. Mackenzie's popular friend, Tracy, set Lance up with a cheerleader named Olivia just to prove that Mackenzie and Lance had feelings for eachother. It worked. Then Kat and Mackenzie kind of made up and are starting to talk again. Now Lance and Olivia have a date scheduled and Mackenzie's freaking out.

The end of my super long Recap. :)

Chapter 26

As soon as the final bell rung in school, I booked it. I took off to Kat's locker where she was once again struggling to get it open. I smiled and sighed. "Let me get that." I banged on the locker right below the lock and quickly jerked it open.

She frowned a bit. "Thanks," she muttered. As she got her books out of her locker, she kept glancing over at me, probably waiting on me to tell her why I was here. "Not that I don't like talking to you again, but why are you here as in at my locker?"

I stared at her for a moment, contemplating whether I really wanted to do this or not. I would finally be crossing the cuckoo line. I inwardly shrugged. "I want you to come with me on Lance's date," I blurted. Line crossed.

Her eyes grew wide. "What?!"

I sighed. I kind of knew she'd give me this reaction. "I just want to make sure this Olivia girl is good for him. Please?"

Her big blue eyes seemed distraught. "Kenzie, you cant ask me to do something like that!"

I grabbed her hand and trapped it between both of mine, turning on my puppydog eyes. "I'll never ask anything else of you, I promise," I whined.

I could see the resolve start to flow from her eyes. "Just this once, Mackenzie. And we're only staying for a few minutes, right?"

I nodded vigourously. "Right."


"They turned that way," Kat sighed, pointing to the left.

I shook my head. "Are you sure? I could've sworn I saw them go straight."

Her big blue eyes seemed frustrated with me already. We'd been driving around after them for almost thirty minutes now. I was starting to believe that Lance was trying to take Olivia out of town for their date. "You could've sworn wrong, Kenzie. They went left and if you wait any longer to turn, you're going to lose them."

Reluctantly, I obeyed her and sure enough, making yet another turn on the next corner, was Lance and Olivia. They then drove straight for six blocks before making another turn. That's when I decided that Lance was lost. The idiot.

"Look, they're parking," Kat called out, voice sounding a little more excited than when I initially told her about this hairbrained plan.

"Thank God," I muttered as I pulled into the parking lot of the building across the street from the little restaurant Lance had just taken Olivia inside of. I quickly exited the car and began crossing the street only to turn around and see Kat still sitting in the car, staring wide-eyed at me, "Come on," I hissed at her.

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