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Noah P.O.V

The next few weeks were incredible. I was very happy. I wasn't a virgin anymore. Gabby and me became really good friends and Tasha was noticeably depressed.

The night I dropped her off she wasn't around campus nor attending classes. I only found this out because Jones came by asking if I seen her because she owed him something. I told him no then he left.

A few days later I heard Jones talking to her roommate in the parking lot. Supposedly she had been hiding out in her room.

She was really worried about her. She had bruises on her hips and was walking funny. She had asked her if she wanted her to get her homework so she could make it up. That she'd give it to me for her and Tasha burst into tears.

It was then her roomate noticed me and began digging in her bag. She attempted to throw Tasha's homework at me but I refused to take it.

" She's fully capable of doing it herself as are the rest of you. I no longer do that. "

She pouted and leaned over abit showcasing her breasts.

" Please."

I chuckled and walked off.

The first time I did see Tasha she was walking in the halls late for class. I was on my way to the bathroom. My di€k hardened immediatly at the sight of her the last time we were together flitting through my head.

She saw me and her eyes widened before quickly looking down away from me. Amused I decided I wanted to mess with her.

I walked over in her way so she'd be forced to stop. She continued staring at the floor avoiding me.

I used my finger on her chin to lift her face. She looked up her eyes watery.

" How are you Tash?"

" O..okay."

"Are you lying to me?"

She didn't answer.

"You've missed alot of homework?"

"I know that's why I'm late. I was collecting it all."

I smirked. I was proud of her.

I thought she'd just let it be.

" Are you going to do it yourself?"

"Yes. I've missed some lessons but I'll figure it out. "

" Why don't you get someone to help you?"

"Because all the people I used to hang out with don't study they um...."

"Use people like me."

She nodded.

"Used to hang with?"

"Yeah, even if I don't use people anymore hanging out with people who do is just as bad. "

My length was pressing annoyingly against my jeans watching her lips move.

"I've made quite a saint out of you haven't I?"

She nodded again.

"Go on to class Tash...I'll see you at the library after classes. "

Her eyes widened.


I didn't respond I just walked around her to the bathroom.


She showed up at the library and sat at the table I currently was at. I asked for her homework and sifted threw it then brought over text books showing her what chapter's would get her through it.

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