chapter twenty-four | the one with the roots

Start from the beginning

They barely stepped out of the car and she already started to complain. "Didn't even take her two seconds," muttered Veronica under her breath and Chloe snorted.

"Oh, Allen! Welcome home, honey!" She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze. "Haven't you missed us?"

Veronica rolled her eyes and hurried inside with her luggage. "Dad!" She called out, looking for a distraction so she wouldn't hear any shit about her mother's agonies.

"Out here, sweetums!" She followed his voice to the kitchen, smiling brightly at him as he engulfed her in a hug.

"How have you been, dad?" She smiled when he kissed her temple, looking down as he threaded the meat on large skewers to grill outside.

"I've missed you."

Veronica and her dad have never been too close. There were moments where they had been affectionate to one another that could have been insignificant but meant a lot to her. It was merely two years ago when Veronica noticed her mother created some sort of barrier between them. None wanted to be on the receiving end of her wrath so they'd gladly back out when the other was being bitten instead of helping each other. It was twisted but it was sad too. They had gotten a little closer recently now that Veronica was starting to understand how to deal with her mom's mood swings.

"I missed you, too," she awkwardly reciprocated. At least they were trying.

"Ronnie, sweetheart!" Veronica barely got to turn before she was swamped by her mother. She felt torn between the overwhelming feelings of pushing her away and melting in her arms - and she remained awfully stiff.

"Hey, mom."

"You look pale! Have you been eating properly?" Veronica offered a tight smile.


"Oh honey, you've got to hear what happened with me today-" she started to say but was cut off when Wayne let out a loud bark, sprinting over to where Veronica stood, its tail wagging.

"Hey, buddy!" Veronica's entire face brightened at the sight, crouching down to pull it in a hug from the neck as it excitedly turned around and around. "How you doin'!"

"You miss him?" Her mother taunted. "You barely get to see him, you're in college," she accused with a smile.

...that's the point?

"Yes, and that is my fault," Veronica said with a straight face, wanting to say so much more as her irritation grew.

"Well, you barely ask about him." Her mother arched an eyebrow and Veronica plastered a smile.

Because I'd have to talk to you, she desperately wanted to say, but we know how that conversation's gonna go.

"We got the luggage, Ronnie, thanks," Ethan sarcastically remarked as he got inside the kitchen. He greeted his dad with a hug and next came the rest as they invaded the kitchen.

"Ronnie, would you help me with these?" Her dad ushered at the appliances as he took two full trays.

"Of course." She rushed to take the grill, lifting it and halting mid-way as a threatening hum coursed through her upper arm. She rolled her eyes and cursed under her breath. She swallowed, angling her head to notice her dad was waiting for her expectantly. "Uhm... I'll take these..." She ushered at the trays, discomfort crawling in her gut. "My arm." She shrugged, hoping it would be enough.

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