Chapter Eight

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Amy's two weeks of bed rest were over and she could now get out on the Ranch but still had to take it easy until she got the all clear from the Doctor.
While she was eating Breakfast the Detective turned up to see her and Lyndy, they were sat at the kitchen table when Jane Harris asked Amy how she was. Jane also informed her that she would not have to go to court as they had a full confession from her attacker and that someone else was also involved.
"Thinking back about the day that he came to see my grandmother, would it be the man I saw sat in a car near the top of our drive as I was driving out to town" said Amy.
The Detective looked at Amy, "Do you remember what he looked like".
"Yes I do, he was in his fifties at least and wore a suite. He had dark hair with quite a bit of grey in it."
"I have some photos with me if you would be okay with looking at them for me if that's okay Amy ".
"Yes that's fine"
Jane Harris got the photos out and set them on the table for Lyndy and Amy to look at.
"Take your time to look at them then I'll ask you to point out any you recognize ".
"Okay" Both Lyndy and Amy said at the same time.

After a couple of minutes Amy froze and tears ran down her face.
"Amy are you alright "Lyndy asked.
She pointed to her attackers photo, she didn't realise that she actually did see him at some point during there fight.
"So you remember your attacker Amy " Jane asked.
"Y- yes ,we fought for a short time after he hit me from behind then he drowned me, or tried to".
"I have some more photos I would like to show you to see if you recognize anyone, you may not but don't worry about it ".
Detective Harris put the photos out randomly and Amy looked at them for some time, eventually she picked one up and handed it to Jane.
"This was the man in the car ".
Det Jane Harris looked and confirmed it was J D Werth, he had denied being anywhere near the Ranch.
The Detective thanked them both and left.
Lyndy and Amy decided to have another coffee, as they were just sitting down there was a knock on the door, Just then Ty walked in asking if it was okay, "Of course it is Ty come in and have a coffee " lyndy suggested giving Amy a knowing wink.
"Fancy taking a walk or are you allowed to ride a horse yet?"
"I honestly don't know if I can ride yet".
"I think you'll be able to ride as long as you stick to walking sweetheart, now off you go, I'm sure Ty will look after you".
"I certainly will Ms Lyndy ".
They went to the Barn and Shadow was very pleased to see her, they tacked up the horses and took off for a gentle walk.

At the Prison they had Dave Taylor who was being held on remand back in an interrogation room.
"Okay Dave, we know J D Werth dropped you off at Lyndy Bartlett's Ranch because he was seen and identified by photo. Now he lied to us so if you still want a deal we need to know where he is".
Okay, alright, he usually stays at a place in Florida, give me a pen and paper and I'll right down the address. This had better be worth it".
As Dave Taylor was taken back to his cell he asked if he could use his daily phone call as he needed to check on his family.
The phone rang four times before someone answered and all Dave said was "They know you were at the Ranch the day you dropped me off and I think it was the girl, they also know where you are. Good Luck".
Then he put the phone down and went back to his cell.

It had been 2 months since Amy had been allowed out of the ranch House and most of that time had been walking or trotting Shadow around the Ranch with Ty for company as Amy was still nervous about being on her own. She'd been seeing a counselor because Lyndy was woken up by Amy's Screaming during the night due to the same Nightmare she's been having.

Detective Harris and James were unable to catch J D Werth and suspect he was tipped off.
This also meant that Amy would have to give evidence that he was at their Ranch.
"You know there's only one person who could of warned JD Werth we were on to him " James said.
"Yeah, and now I'm thinking is she really safe out on that big Ranch " Jane looked worried.

Amy was getting back into the swing of things on the Ranch working with the horses and helping out with the Cattle, although Ty stuck to her like glue as they'd been informed about JD Werth being on the loose.
Duke had asked Amy and Ty to check the fence lines on the edge of the National Park as they didn't want the wild horses breaking through.
It was near Lunch time and they decided to head back as they were finished checking the fences.
They were half way back when a rifle shot rang out across the Ranch just as Amy turned to look at some horses who were making a noise, Ty Immediately looked at Amy who was laying forward on Shadows neck and he could see blood running down his neck.
"Amy, are you okay!!!!".
" Yeah, get Duke and the others to go after the bastard".
Ty was worried because of the amount of blood, he had already put himself between her and where the shot came from, he picked up the satellite phone and pressed Dukes number.
"Hello, Ty is everything okay ".
"No, Amy has been shot ,you need to take rifles and hunt the shooter down, he's in the park".
"Phone for an Ambulance and get her back to the Ranch, how bad is it".
"He got her in the right side of her back, were on our way back now."
"Okay I'm on my way with 6 other hands, we'll catch him".
Ty decided he had to check the wound and slow the bleeding down.
"Amy, I'm sorry to ask but I need to check your wound, can you straighten up for me".
"Yeah, Okay, it looks like it went straight through because I'm bleeding bad from the front".
"Okay let's have a look".
Ty gently undid her shirt pulling it to one side and saw the exit wound, thankfully it was just above her bra cup. He took his shirt off and folded it into a pad then got her to hold it in place. Then he took off his Belt and wrapped it around her to hold the pad in place doing up the buckle tight.
Then he called for an Ambulance, he then phoned Lyndy to tell her what had happened and for her to inform Detective Harris.

To be continued

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