Chapter Fourteen

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Ty was over the moon when Amy told him he was going to be a father,  he loved Children and hoped that Amy would want more than one, he wasn't going to say anything yet of course as she'd Just told him she was pregnant but maybe when this one's about 3 years old, he'll ask her then.

Duke was 55 years old and had decided to Retire when he gets to 60 so he and his wife could spend much needed time together,  he had a couple of Pension plans and he had been saving for years.
He knew that Ty was more than capable of running things on the Cattle Ranch, and Amy and Sarah had the horse side running well .

One night at Dinner, Amy was telling her Grandma Lyndy that business was booming and they would need another Barn for Stables and that the one they've had for years will need to be updated .
Lyndy asked if she thought it would be metal or wood like the old one.
Amy looked at Lyndy and Ty, then told them that it would be Wood but with a difference, 
" I want the wood soaked in a fire Retardant,  all of it, and water sprinklers above each stall and side by side in the wide Aisle with only Sawdust  in each stable along with Fire Alarms".
"That's an excellent Idea sweetheart don't you think Lyndy".
"I do Ty, a lot more modern, what about the old Barn though love."
"Well, when the new one is built we'll use that one and get the old one cleaned and sanitized,  then get it sprayed with a fire Retardant  , obviously it has to be safe for the Horses and then have a sprinkler system fitted like the new barn. We need to keep the horses safe, what ya think, Grandma. "
"I think it's a very good idea "...

Within the month with Ty's help, the plans for the new Barn were completed,  including the Old Barn, too.
A few weeks later Ty suggested that although the Hay Barn was Metal a good Sprinkler System could save a lot of Hay if a fire were to break out,  Amy kissed him and thanked him for the Idea.

Amy was now 6 months pregnant and the Barns were finished and in use, Ty and Duke were busy with Calf Season again,  but Amy was told by her doctor to start cutting back on work and rest up more then at 7 months stop working altogether.
But the months went by very quickly until one morning Amy called her Grandma, when Lyndy walked into the kitchen she saw Amy looking at a puddle on the floor.
"I think baby's coming Grandma can you phone Ty please."
Before long, they were at the hospital, and Lyndy, Duke, and Sarah were all in the waiting room. As far as Lyndy was concerned, Duke and Sarah were like extended family, which she was grateful for as there was only herself and Amy, her brother lived in England, and of course, she couldn't forget Ty
After a few hours, Ty walked into the waiting area with a big smile on his face as he approached them.
"It's a girl. She looks just like Amy."
They all got up and shook hands, hugged, and said Congratulations.
"As soon as she's ready to receive visitors, I'll come and get you."
Ty then shot off to be with his wife and Daughter, he was on Cloud nine.
When Amy was ready, he came and got the family and took them back to the room.
They named their daughter Sabrina, and she was like a clone of Amy when she was born, according to Lyndy.
The following day Amy, Ty and little Sabrina came home, when they walked in there was a family welcome and Buffet, Lyndy was overjoyed to have a child in the house again, she even found some photos of Amy as a baby and the likeness was uncanny.

                         (Time Jump)

3 years later Ty was going to bring up the subject of how many Children Amy would like to have,  but he never got the chance, at dinner that night with just the four of them Amy said she had an announcement,  she looked at Sabrina  and then took her little shirt off , Ty and Lyndy looked at what her top said, *I'm going to be a big Sister *.
There were kisses and hugs. It also answered Ty's question.

Everything was great for Ty and Amy, and Lyndy was happy, Sabrina was definitely a clone of her mother, and she adored spending time with her great-granddaughter .
7 Months later, 2 days before Christmas, Amy gave birth to a little boy who they named Timothy after Amy's father.
Duke reached 60 and retired,  much to his surprise and in private Lyndy and Amy had agreed that due to the time he worked for them and the things he'd done for them they privately gave him a cheque for $100,000 and they'd do the same for Sarah, except she was only 40 so the amount would be different in 20 yrs time, Ty took over from Duke permanently , and Amy got her wish of a happy Family and Children.
Four years later She had a set of twins,  a boy and a girl. Ty always seemed to have a smile on his face ,an absolutely beautiful wife, four children, and the best Grandmother in-law, you could ask for.

The End

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