14.Face the risk

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The solution has taken by considering Four, so it won't clear your name from this issue.. And it is the only way too... If you agree to this.. You can help the families which depends on the recent projects of Four. So think twice...

Don't beat around the bush... Just say, what I need to do?..

You have to accept to the media... That you are a sasaeng fan of him... Which means you are an obsessive fan, that the picture has been taken while you trying to get a recognition from him... But, he doesn't like that kind of fans, so he just tried to move you away from that place. (After that, till your lifetime you shouldnot meet him in any place or situations).

Then.. What about me?... You have asking me to spoil my own life and my respect for your own will.. Is this fair?... No... Not at all... There must be some other way.. I need to talk to Four.

Mam... Cool down.. Yes, it is unfair to you.  But we don't have any other choices, and we haven't discussed this solution with him.. If he knows, he won't accept it..
..Mam.. I have seen you with sir for some days.. From that I can able to say, that you like him very much. If you need to do any favor for him.. Please consider it.

Sir,.. I can't able to bear even the words you have said before... Then,  how I can able to say those words to the media. It is really difficult for me... But as far as you said, I always wanted to be in the good pages of his book... and I don't want my name as a black mark in his career page. But, I need some time to think about it. 

Take your time... But please make a decision within today.. Thank you.

(Tris get confused with her thoughts.. She can't able to decide what to do...)

There is nothing to think about it..
This issue has nothing to do with you... Everyone will forgot you after few days... But if it seriously affect someone, it is Four. They are trying to keep your life in risk for their own sake. Just go and sleep.

The other day.
Manager went to Tris apartment.. to know her answer... There she is already ready and ask him where she want to accept the false accusations. Manager really get shocked but then take her to face the media..

On that time.
Sweety called Jenna... And said about the decision made by Tris.
Jenna and sweety somehow search then contact Four and said him everything that has happened.

Sweety to Four.
She is an innocent.. It is all happened in her life because of you.. You are responsible... So you need to remove her name in this issue.. (and she cut the call).

With so much pressure and watery eyes she waited in the room where the manager asked her to stay... She didn't expect those few wonderful days are going to be vanish in just a day... She is going to be treated as a bad face in media and also, hereafter she can't able to see Four..

When the door gets open... She closed her eyes... Because it is really difficult  for her to face those reality.. But..
Someone hold her hand by saying that... (Who asked to do this?... You shouldn't be here anymore) pulled her hand with him and moved her to the car.

Four... Why are you here?... who told you?... If this doesn't happen..  You will get a big loss in your career...

Then what about your life... I don't want to hear from you anything... Every problem has going to be solved.. So nothing to worry about. Now, keep quiet and come with me..

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