Ch 35: Exposed

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-After suddenly making a move on Hinata, The tall boy immediately turned his blushing face away from Hinata's direction and covered his beet red cheeks-

... Kageyama kissed me..
Aaaa my heart's about to burst. This is ridiculous.

Hinata: oi. W-why did you kiss me all of a sudden like that..
Kageyama:   ... I'm sorry.
Hinata: haa, you should be! You only kiss people you like, Bakageyama!

Kageyama's POV

Ah, this idiot. He still doesn't get it?

Kageyama: you dumbass! I don't just kiss anyone, you know?
Hinata: then why did you kiss me?


Ah this stupid fool idiot dumbass. Why else would I kiss him?

Hinata: y-you what?
Kageyama: don't make me say it again. Agh, this is driving me crazy.
Hinata: Kageyama, you like me?

-Kageyama turned his face away from Hinata and pouted-

Kageyama: stop being an idiot. I said I do.
Hinata: .. I also do.

I think my heart just stopped beating.
What should I say? Should I just hug him right now? I really wanna do that... No no stay cool and keep your calm. No no I meant stay calm and keep your cool.

Kageyama: I.. I know.
Hinata: .. I really really like you.

Dang it.

-the tall boy had no choice but to give in to the cute small boy 's charms. He hugged him tight and kissed his forehead-

Kageyama: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Hinata: it's okay.. I'm also sorry for not telling you..


Daichi: should we tell them we're right here?
Sugawara: aw come on, don't ruin their love moment!

-Sugawara smiled and took a picture of the two boys who apparently forgot that they were still in the gym with the whole team-

Tanaka: how cute! I wish Kiyoko-San would look at me like that.
Nishinoya: haa don't worry, Ryu, all we have to do is just wait.

Tsukishima: oi, you two. Can you do this lovefest outside, It's gross.

Hinata: that's really mean, Tsukki, hmph!
Tsukishima: don't call me Tsukki.
Hinata: but why can Yamaguchi call you that? Hm?
Yamaguchi: ah Hinata, because I'm his boyfr-
Tsukishima: YAMAGUCHI.

Daichi: did I hear it right?
Yamaguchi: sorry Tsukki 😅

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