Ch 23: Let's Stop

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Kageyama's POV

Today's the day I break up with Anne Marie. Hopefully it goes well and nothing big happens.
Since I can't do anything about these feelings, I'll just try and ignore it. It might be a little easier now since Hinata's been avoiding me so much. I might as well get used to it.


Anne Marie: Kageyama-kuuun!
Kageyama: oh hi Anne Marie.
Anne Marie: did you have a nice sleep last night? You left pretty early.
Kageyama: uh yeah I did.
Anne Marie: that's great then! I really enjoyed my birthday, and mainly because you came :)

Ah crap. I can't break up with her right now, it's like I'll be the person to ruin her happiness and I don't wanna be that jerk. Let's wait for a little while.

Few days later..

Let's just wait a little more..
3 days later..
A little more..

1 week later..
Just a bit more..

It's been two months and I haven't had the courage to break up with Anne Marie. We've hang out so much and whenever I see her smile, I just can't bring up to say I wanna end it.
Plus Hinata and I has gone back to normal wherein we fight and quarrel sometimes but whenever Anne Marie appears and takes me away, his expression changes a lot.

Anne Marie: oh, are you guys done practicing?
Kageyama: oh uh are we done Captain?
Daichi: yes, you can all go now. Great job today!
Hinata: oh.. Okay bye guys.
Yamaguchi: Tsukki, did you see that?
Tsukishima: I probably did but tell me.
Yamaguchi: Hinata's face just turned all sad and depressed just now.. As if he doesn't wanna leave the gym.
Tsukishima: more like as if he doesn't want SOMEONE to leave the gym.
Yamaguchi: ahh you mean Kageyama?
Tsukishima: I don't know what the king is thinking. He says he's Inlove with the tangerine but a few days later, he gets a girlfriend. How idiotic.
Yamaguchi: I don't know, maybe it's an accident?
Tsukishima: how do you accidentally make someone your girlfriend, Yamaguchi.
Yamaguchi: oh you're right, sorry Tsukki!

Today's the day. I should end things with Anne Marie and stop this once and for all.


Kageyama: Anne Marie?
Anne Marie: hm?
Kageyama: ... L-let's break up..


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