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"You are not from around here, are you?"

Quietly, the young royals exchanged a look.

To pretend they were Dong Okjeo natives would be pushing it.

"No, we are not. My wife and I traveled here." Hyun Bin replied stoically, noting the way Yejin was involuntary grabbing a fistful of her skirt in nervousness.

It was hard enough to leave honorifics out of their speech, but survival was at stake.

Freshly washed-up after a hot meal at the elderly couple's home, the Crown Prince and princess consort of Goguryeo were currently seated across the table in the middle of the tiny hut.

It was almost pitch dark, with only a lone oil lamp, reeking of burning whale fat, providing illumination.

It was almost pitch dark, with only a lone oil lamp, reeking of burning whale fat, providing illumination

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Shadows danced on curious faces. It must be close to the middle of the night, but it was obvious that no one was going to bed until questions were asked, and answers, given.

"Your are from..." The elderly lady's wizened features were knitted into a frown.

"Goguryeo." The Crown Prince finished the sentence, silently studying the way their faces instantly clouded over to hold a tinge of fear, and if he may add, awe and resentment.

Very, very subtle, but it was there.

It was as clear as day to the elderly couple, that the young duo sitting in their wooden hut was not the usual commoner.

Even while clad in hemp robes, with their silk and cotton ones being hung outside the hut on bamboo poles to dry, there was an air of aristocracy that clung heavily to their mannerisms and speech.

"What are you Goguryeo people doing here in Dong Okjeo...? I mean, looking at your clothes...and those swords..." The fisherman asked almost warily, his eyes betraying his fear.

Hyun Bin was still pondering a reasonable response, but Yejin beat him to it.

"To be very honest, we are merchants." Yejin quickly replied, her mind racing to spin a story. "My husband is a rice merchant from the capital. We own a sizable business, which is why our clothing might come across as...luxurious. I have accompanied him on our journey from Goguryeo to Dong Okjeo, in order to seek trade opportunities."

Nervously, the Princess chewed on her lower lip, hoping her story was convincing enough.

Honestly, following the harrowing assassination attempt and the near-death experience, Yejin was no longer so sure if she could trust anyone here in Dong Okjeo again.

It was horrible to think this way of their benefactors, but still, letting her guard down was no longer an option.

"The swords were brought along for defense purposes. We were supposed to meet with some tribal chieftains, to propose more mutually-benefitting trade arrangements." Hyun Bin added, pinning the older man's gaze with a steely one of his own.

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