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The Crown Prince was in a very, very good mood, Gwang Beom observed.

They were leaving the armory at the military training grounds together, having inspected the latest batch of swords forged by their blacksmiths.

The Major narrowed his eyes in silent judgment of his childhood friend, who also was the future monarch, as the latter wore an uncharacteristic grin on his face.

There was even a rather...disturbing spring in his steps.

To a good friend, it was a very unsettling sight indeed.

Almost traumatizing.

Something was making the typically stoic Crown Prince very, very happy, not that the Major could guess what it was.

It was a dreary, harsh winter morning, with wind and snow assaulting them relentlessly from every direction.

If he hadn't smeared lard on his nose and cheeks that morning, he was certain that frostbite would have occurred, Gwang Beom thought.

That was how bad the weather was, yet the Crown Prince was behaving as if the brightest and most hopeful of spring days had come.

The two men surely painted an interesting picture in the swirling snow - one kept his head down, hurriedly shuffling along to where nearest shelter was.

In absolute contrast, the slightly taller one was basically skipping along, smiling broadly while humming a merry tune as if the harsh wintry winds were nothing more than gentle spring breeze.

Eventually, when they reached the nearest building - the Military Study, where scrolls on warfare, strategies, weaponry were housed, did the prince and his right hand man hurry in for shelter.

Brushing off snow before they entered the study, the Major dutifully asked, "Your Royal Highness, is everything alright?"

"Of course it is." Came a big, wide grin.

Hyun Bin must have noticed the way his childhood friend was still looking at him suspiciously, for he raised his eyebrows and defensively asked, "What?"

"You're acting really...strange."

"I am? How so?"

Gwang Beom narrowed his eyes further.

"You're smiling too much. Way too much. Like...unnaturally so."

Obviously the Crown Prince was elated; it wasn't every day that one lost his virginity to the girl of his dreams.

This morning, he had woken up to Yejin's slumbering visage. She looked like a goddess - so peaceful and beautiful, sleeping naked under the sheets by his side.

He would have loved to hold her, or to do more with her, but that could wait.

Instead, the Crown Prince had settled for lightly pressing his lips to the princess', before quietly leaving to see to his morning duties.

Gwang Beom continued. "Did something good happen to you?"

Hyun Bin didn't even hesitate. "Very, very good."

"" Gwang Beom returned the cheery smile with a faintly amused, suspicious expression.

"It's none of your business." The prince smugly replied.

"I won't care to comment, if it isn't for that persistent goofy grin. Surely, you don't need to visit the Royal Infirmary?" The younger man said in jest.

"Oh, stop it." Hyun Bin laughed, punching Gwang Beom good-naturedly on his shoulder.

"I have a feeling it has something to do with the Crown Princess consort."

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