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Author's note:
Thank you for all the love given to "The Legend of Nakrang"! I would love to reply to everyone but I haven't had the chance to.

I'm going to address some questions that some readers have.

As you might know, this story is based off the tragic folk tale of Goguryeo's Prince Hodong and the Princess of Nakrang (she didn't have a name in most accounts but in some, she is Princess NangNang).

1) Am I going to follow the folk tale 100%? No. I have my own twists to it.

2) I'll follow its timeline of events. The original folktale from wayyy back is understandably very simple, so I've thickened the plot significantly.


Gungnae, Goguryeo

The heavy fragrance of sandalwood lingered in the air, playing voyeur to an ongoing conversation.

"Brother, to think we came so very close, to having that thorn in our flesh gotten rid of by that one arrow. Even the gods are on our side."

From behind a perfumed sleeve, was a cynical smile marring otherwise beautiful features.

"My Hae In is in no way inferior to the Crown Prince, and yet he wasn't given a single chance at even proving himself worthy of succeeding the throne. It irks me to know that everything is handed on a silver platter to Hyun Bin."

"Sukbin, that boy might be really lucky to have escaped death this time round, but not the next time." Jo Cheol Gang's face wore a tight, controlled smile, before he took a sip of tea.

"Even if he returns alive, he might not be able to remain in the King's favor for long."

An elegantly raised brow indicated realization.

"Are you implying that your efforts at the borders of Nakrang, Dongye and Dong Okjeo have paid off?"

The general nodded languidly. "With the King being more preoccupied earlier with the invasion efforts up north by the Khitans, it wasn't difficult to pull this off. Starting rumors among the foot soldiers so far removed from the royals was only too easy."

As Eastern Ye and Okjeo (Dongye and Dong Okjeo respectively), had oscillated between domination by Han commanderies and Goguryeo, they never had the chance to develop into fully centralized kingdoms due to the constant interference from their neighbors.

These two states, not being full sovereign kingdoms, existed as vassal states to Goguryeo. They were tributaries, delivering local products to the overwhelmingly superior state.

Both Ye and Okjeo did not have sovereign rulers, but instead, had chieftains for each village.

Culturally, they considered themselves as the same people as Goguryeo, sharing the language and ethnic origins.

Yet with these border massacres and looting orchestrated by Jo Cheol Gang taking place behind the backs of the Goguryeo royals, the Ye and Okjeo chieftains felt betrayed, growing increasingly distrustful of Hyun Bin.

"From what I gathered, some chieftains of Dongye and Dong Okjeo are now extremely wary of Goguryeo's Crown Prince's intentions following the village massacres. Of course, they have no means of retaliation in any form, but the resentment has taken root."

He continued, in a voice sinisterly calm.

"Nakrang was the first in my plans three years ago, but it was also the most disappointing. Who would expect King Choi Ri to be such a spineless coward? Nakrang is a full kingdom after all. Instead of retaliating upon having its border villages plundered under the 'orders of Crown Prince Hyun Bin', he wasted no time in volunteering his daughter as tribute in marriage to forge an alliance."

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