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Hyun Bin quietly studied the trade statistics recorded by their imperial trade and commerce officials, carving notes on a fresh bamboo scroll as he mentally processed the numerical data.

Two days ago, King Daemusin had sought a meeting with his heir, informing the latter of the upcoming diplomatic mission to Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo.

The news had come as a surprise to Hyun Bin, but not an entirely unpleasant one.

Trade was going well with China, their largest trade partner.

Throughout the last eight seasonal cycles, Goguryeo was exporting greater volumes of gold, silver, pearls and textiles up north to the Chinese.

In return, China was sending weapons and silk among other cultural elements such as scholarly articles on their writing system, Buddhism, poetry, art motifs and architectural knowledge.

What was of concern were the dwindling statistics from their vassal states - Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo.

Goguryeo's repeated invasion of the two neighboring states in the past had reduced the latter to tributary states, though they had not been completely annexed upon pledging allegiance to the larger kingdom.

The falling statistics in terms of tributary offerings to Goguryeo said a lot.

It was not just about a reduction of resources such as mineral ores and seafood, but rather, Goguryeo's weakening hold on its vassals and a subtle shift in the balance of power in the peninsula.

That wouldn't do, especially since Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo were trading with Silla and Baekje as well.

With China being directly north to Goguryeo, the latter was geographically well-positioned to trade with the former.

However, the physical proximity also implied that Goguryeo would likely bear the brunt of China's political ambitions

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However, the physical proximity also implied that Goguryeo would likely bear the brunt of China's political ambitions.

To their Southwest was Nakrang, yet another enemy state allied with China.

Goguryeo and Nakrang were bound by marriage alliance between himself and Yejin, but to expect their marriage to entirely prevent war...that would certainly be wishful thinking.

It was crucial to secure the southern territories, namely Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo.

It was his chance to prove himself as the future monarch.

Truth be told, Hyun Bin had long proven his worth to his father, the King, in terms of military capabilities, strategy and philosophy.

However, he still considered himself a greenhorn when it came to finance, diplomacy and inter-state negotiations.

To have the King decide on having him go to Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo, was a clear sign of the monarch's intentions in testing his abilities.

The Crown Prince made up his mind - he would embark on this diplomatic mission to reinstate trade and tributary links with Dong Ye and Dong Okjeo.

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