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Jaemin woke up he had  a good night of sleep  and wanted to start his day with a nice cup of coffee, well...that's what he thought until he got down , instead of being greeted by  the smell of  freshly  grinded coffee powder, he was greeted by the smell of rotting puck, what a great why to start my day....


 Yuta was slapped , ass kicked dozen of times,   "well... lucky bitch... got to dich collage", Jaemin couldn't even eat his food in the dinning room because of the rotten smell coming from the hall, he debunked the idea of eating food in his lovely house and decided to get his food from his uni cafetaria, before leaving for his uni he left a lovely letter on the counter for his lovely hyungs to read.


Yuta woke up with  a sore body, he felt like he was beaten by a thug group , well while Yuta was trying to shift to a more comfortable position he noticed a giant hand around his waist , slowly yuta tried to change his postion without moving the giant hands over him to try to get a glimpse who this giant hand belonged to , it was Johnny , well when awake a  strict and intimating  man now looks like a cute big baby , awa   ('▽`) his messy brown  hair covering his forehead and almost his small cute eyes , looked better than when jelled up with sweat , (it looked hot but.. i prefer cute people more), his already big lips pouting made Yuta's heart did a full perfect cartwheel... He really wanted to kiss those intimating lips , well the small shifting  of the body next to him kinda woke up the giant and made him groan, Yuta Immediately shut his eyes close, "Yuta I know your awake, no one scrunches their nose when they sleep...hm..", the morning voice of  Johnny really added fuel to the already cartwheeling heart, Yuta immediately opened his eyes with a pout forming and tint of pink seen in the sides of his cheeks, "Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up...."
As I woke up from the shift movement   near my body ,I could feel someone's eyes on me, as I let a groan and opened my eyes , my eyes met with a cute charming face, all the muscles in his face tensed , not  relaxed like  usual. "yuta I know your awake, no one scrunches their nose when they sleep...hm..", Johnny said smiling at how yuta's face started to relax, he immediately opened  his eyes  sorry..." I didn't mean to wake you up...." Yuta's  lips formed into a pout and light tint of pink visible in his cheeks, he looked adorable and guilty like a child caught stealing cookies , Johnny couldn't help but smile more, he was sure whipped for this person. "it's fine...."both stared into each others eyes forgetting the slight pain and the banging of their hangover brains for help, hypnotized by each others eyes, well  their moment didn't last long , the 3rd  alarm set by Jaemin incase his drunk hyungs  were still asleep started playing 'cheer up' by twice , Yuta immediately got out of the cover letting  pain take over his body, aahh.... He immediately lade back "My body is paining like a bitch..."He whined  "oh SHIT!!!!" Yuta immediately ran into the nearby restroom, Johnny could only sign, his head was also slightly aching. He got of the bed and waited for his chance to use the restroom. 

As the two dead souls came out of the room, one holding on to it's stomach as if even a slight movement of his fingers would  kill him, as they entered there living room the foul smell of rotten puck tingled their noses, and a flood of cans and a beautiful handwritten note written and placed in front of the dining table,

Dear Hyungs
I hope you saw the mess you caused in my beautiful house, the flooding number of cans, the puck born from Yuta and my clothes worn by Yuta especially my favorite shirt needs to be cleaned before I come back from uni which is 5PM, if not a fine of 5000 won per individual and the cleaning of the whole house must be given, if suffering from hangover,  the medications are placed in the table, good luck hyungs stay hydrated and FIGHTING!!!!!
Yuta immediately grabbed the hang over tablets and gulped two of them and gulping some water after that, dashing towards the restroom for the 3rd time ,while Johnny only took some aspirin tablets and began picking up the empty beer cans.
(Time skip)

Yuta throwed the last shirt on the hangers and dashed into restroom to take a long steamy shower, exiting the shower wearing his clothes. (yesterday's clothes ) he sat on the now clean sofa leaning on to the soft pillows curling into a ball to bare with his stomach's kicks , regression and reflection was the only thing shown in his face. now covered in thick blankets provided by Johnny , Johnny couldn't take his eyes of from the cute pouting wrapped in thick blankets watching TV, It was like Johnny wanted to leave the now boiling porridge to turn soup less and the rice burned to the color black while he hugged and butterfly kissed the cute pouting thing, the thing doesn't know how it's pouting lips in corrupting the big muscular giant's mind/brain, only if it could happened in real life, Johnny sighed the little thing is a savage period lady when going near need to be cautious to not activate any mood swings and most importantly to get close you need a bait, which is food, the savage women needs food and has been growling at him since noon for food, what can he do it tries to act strong even when it is sick it had vomited twice since  woken up , constipation , headaches  and most importantly almost fainted while wiping the floor , huff... thinking of this made Johnny regret why he didn't ? He could have stop Yuta from drinking and what would have happened if he was not nearby? he immediately snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the water in the congee boil abruptly, thank god soup didn't evaporate 


 As the two individuals sat beside each other eating the congee , one eating like it was the first time eating food after ages and the other instead of concentrating on his food concentrated on the other individual sitting beside him swallowing his food half mindedly as if the person beside him was a piece of art, "can I take the leftovers to my house? "Yuta asked with big bulging eyes, which made Johnny frown, "Don't you have a rice cooker in your house? ahmm... no I.... I always eat instant or restaurant bought food, I-I Don't know how to c-cook, "Yuta said looking down at his bowl of food blushing at how little to no gap was inbetween them, "ho.... that explains why your immune system is week.. then should I should give you the leftover kimichi also.." that's when   Johnny noticed how close he was to Yuta and his big doe eyes, his sharp jawline Yuta and Johnny inching close as if they were controlled by each others eyes just then- 

(~cheer up baby !!!! cheer up baby !!!!)

Jaemin's fourth  alarm ruined the most awaited 2nd kiss movement  of the my life .   "W-WAIT!!!!!! L-LET ME PACK YOU THE LEFTOVERS!!!!!!!!!"

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~well...well I know why, I suck at writing stories, I am a boomer , this chapter is extremely long compared to my other chapters, well... you see those were written before my break so my lazy ass just let them be in peace, and from now on all the chapters are going to be long (1000 or above ), slow updates, enjoy~❤

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