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As I walked inside the campus ,
there where murmurs coming from all the corners of the campus hall ,
It might be the scandal of me dating Jeno,Jaemin though to himself.

"Is that him yea it's him..."

Jaemin tried his best to ignore them, as he reached the locker ,
he was ready to open his locker, that's when a hand hit the locker beside him.
It was Sara, she is the hot girl of the campus, rich , wears short skirts and tight tops, there is rumors that she had a crush on Jeno from the starting of the year (last year ).
"I don't know such a loser  in our campus. An asshole."
He knew she was talking about him but he just ignored her and started taking out his books.
These losers come to campus just to look for hot boys do they even match the dirt under my heels.
Jaemin still didn't say anything ignoring her like she is nothing.
It silence really pissed Sara her.

"What? you might have dated him for 2 or 3 months? But I have loved him for about 2 years ."
It was the limit of Jaemin
This really pissed Jaemin off.

"It doesn't matter how many years you have loved him. Do you have the guts to confess it to Jeno , you just know how to dress shamelessly and try to protect him from others,why don't you confess to him?because you know he won't except you right?
Now fuck offf bit#h."
He closed the  locker with a big bang and left.
But little did he know a purple thing was left shocked in a running position
"Is it really our Jaemin. "
Jaemin entered the room.scared
There was Renjun sitting in a chair and Yuta standing behind him .
He expected them to scold him because he didn't tell them about it,
He was about to open his mouth when he felt someone hug him.
It was Renjun,
"I am really proud of you."

Author's note

I didn't update for a week, this week was totally exhausting i am waiting for weekends to come.
Before you go let's just keep that Jaemin and his friends Yuta and Renjun made up.
I can't update anymore chapter's for some days, I am currently suffering from mental breakdown and depression. =_=

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