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It was awkward inside the car.  Jaemin was still thinking if the person was stalking him or he was just trying to  walk pass by.
Where is your house ?let me drop u."
"Ho! it's just the next street. I am sorry for troubling u...." Jaemin said looking down feeling embarrassed.
"Ho no you didn't. I think I enjoy being around u. So, don't worry..." 
Jeno turned to Jaemin giving him a reassuring smile. Jaemin smiled in return.
"Ho wait...."
Jeno turned slowly moving towards Jaemin , making Jaemin  a hesitant  while also  trying his best  to not  meet with Jeno's eyes. Jeno immediately pulled the car seat belt over Jaemin.
"Don't worry kitty I won't do anything to you", Jeno said giving him a teasing smile.
 Jeno started the engine.
But rather of them noticed the selsoviet outside in the  dark staring at them  both of them .
"L-Lee J-Jeno!!!"

stuff like this could only happened in fanfics...wow well..I won't like this happening in real life to cringy....

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