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After his morning class was over, Jaemin started to walk towards his next class, he was to diverted in his phone to notice someone coming behind him,

Thud !

He was pushed into the nearby janitor's closet.
It startled him, making him hold onto his chest due to increased heart rate,
He couldn't see anything because the closet was dark,

By the masculine voice and the well built silhouette masculine figure in front of him, he immediately found out who it was.

"Jeno what are you doing here you almost killed me,"
Jaemin said ,
"I heard that nana fought for me with a girl,"
Jeno's face came near Jaemin's face which made his face fluster.

Jaemin's heart skipped a beat.
Nana everyone calls me that but why
does it feel special when he says it maybe it's the way he spells it,

Jaemin turned his face to his side to avoid making eye contact with Jeno
It was just to protect myself,
"Don't think so big of your self,
is this the reason you pinned me to the wall in the janitor's closet?"

Jeno smirked and took out his phone.
"I need your number, I forgot to ask your number yesterday?"
Jeno asked with his iconic smile planted to his face which made Jaemin's heart throb
"Ho okay"
After Jeno exited the closet and started walking through the hall,
Jaemin sighed and exited the  closet as well,
His Phone started ringing.
"Wait for me after your classes are over,"
Jaemin turned towards  his side to see Jeno looking towards him holding his phone near his ears and giving him ,his crescent eyed smile.
Jaemin couldn't help but smile back.



Contact saved

Author's note
I am back, I missed this. ¡-¡

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