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After Dinner Johnny went to pick up his stuff.
While Jaemin had to clean - up the kitchen and the dinning room.

"Nana, can you throw the trash."
"Okay mom."Jaemin replied.

The nearest trash can is located near the elite area where the rich second and third elite generation live.

"Why don't we have a trash can in our street." Jaemin said annoyed.

Has he neared the trash can.
he could heard slight murmurs coming from the park in front of him.

"Who would play in the park at this time."
Jaemin murmured under his breath. As he looked looked down at his watch.
It was 10pm.
"These kids really"

The park was was dark and bushy,
For some reason the lights weren't working.

As Jaemin neared the park he could see two tall men standing face to face talking to each other .
Jaemin hid behind a pine tree.

It didn't seem like they were talking ,
One was  shouting at the other immaturely.
As he took a step closer he could identify one of them.
"OMG isn't that Chenle." Jaemin whispered covering his mouth.

Zhong Chenle the CEO of y company. And the youngest CEO in the country,
Everyone knows about him.
From a beggar to billionaire knows him.

The person whom he was talking to...
I think I have seen him somewhere,

He looked extremely handsome and cold.
Jaemin couldn't hear there conversation properly.

Just something  some words such as "house, why ?,brother."

"What brother !!!!??
OMG Chenle has a brother
Isn't Chenle a single child?!"

So Jaemin got closer so that he could hear them properly but stepped on a twig. Which made the two men's head turn towards him.

"Fuck! they saw me!!
Jaemin run!!"

Jaemin sprinted back
He could hear the person call out to him but then  the calling stopped.

Jeno's P.O.V

"You don't need to buy me a house.
Just because ,I fought with Dad, and left the house. "
"I am not a kid i am in college ,  will i not be able to take care of myself . I shouted at him."

His expression was still the same, Ice cold.
"You are my younger brother how can i just leave you alone ,and sometimes you act immature."
Which made Jeno's blood run cold.

Yes Chenle is Jeno's older brother .
Or older step-brother .
After Chenle's biological mother died,
His father had married another woman which is Jeno's mother.
Eventhough Chenle doesn't like his step mother,
(Jeno himself didn't like her. As she only married his father for his money. )
He loved and took care of his young brother Jeno. Jeno doesn't liked the rich life like his father. So , they used to quarrel . And he was embarrassed because he was from a rich family so that's why no one knows that Chenle has a step brother. And this time the fight was too big which caused Jeno to leave home. And he adopted his mother's side name" Lee."

Before he could say something he, heard a twig crack on his right.
He saw a boy about his age a small petit slim figure,
with an angular face kinda cute.

As the boy was  caught he started running.

"Hey stop!" Jeno started to rush towards that boy but a hand grabbed him.

"Don't try to fool me i am older than you , you have used this excuse a lot of time."

"Bro didn't you see."

It must have been some small animal.
Now accept my gift. His brother said coldly . Everyone knows that he is stubborn like his father, and no one can win a fight with him.

"Okay bro." Jeno said giving up.
Which made his elder brother smirk.

Jaemin P.O.V

"Nana where have you been,
I only told you to do one thing that was to throw the garbage,
and that took you so long .

look Johnny has  finished packing  his luggage.
and your dad is waiting in the car . Don't you need to show your house to your cousin so, that he gets comfy,get in the car. And bye. "

"Okay mom bye"
Jaemin said sadly.

Want me to get back as soon as i got here, Johnny i am so jealous of you.
Like that he forgot what he saw that day.

Don't try  to fix me [NOMIN]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat