6.A scream for help...

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*At Riverdale high*
Reggie: "What was that earlier in the hall Betty?" Betty: "It was Viola she's at the sisters we need to find a way to help her." Archie: "We'll help her I promise Betty..." Cheryl: "Don't make a promise you can't keep." Archie: "Please not now Cheryl..." Cheryl: "Well there's this underground door in the sisters we can see if we can sneak her out but were gonna have to wait a weak because you guys just went yesterday we need to convince them that your done trying." Betty: "That's a great idea Cheryl." Toni: "How about we wait 3 days we need her out faster than that who knows they might end up killing her..." Jug: "Don't ever say that again Toni please!" Intercom: "Elizabeth Cooper, Please come to the office!" Betty looked at everyone else.

*In the office*
Betty: "Yes?" Principle Honey: "You have a note." Betty grabs the note out of his hands and reads it. Note: Hello, Elizabeth come to the woods by the sisters of quiet mercy to see your sister if you want, come at 11:00 with the 3 teenagers you brought yesterday! No later no earlier.
Betty: "Thank you principal Honey." Principle Honey: "Your welcome miss. Cooper." Betty walks out of the office.

*At the sisters*
Sister wood house: "Your sister will come to see you later tonight with your three friends and I'm gonna show her how much pain you go through..." Lola: "Please don't I don't want to see her cry." Sister wood house: "I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see you in pain."

*At school*
Betty: "Well Toni,Me,Fangs,Sweet pea and Fangs have to go to the woods infront of the sisters of quiet mercy."
Sweet pea: "You guys asked me only that day." Toni: "Please sweet pea." Sweet pea: "Whatever but, If she doesn't get out of that place tonight I'm not going back." Betty: "We won't get her back tonight it takes time sweet pea!" Jug: "This is the only favour that Betty is asking you sweet pea." Sweet pea: "Whatever." Betty: "Thank you Sweet pea!" Fangs: "So when do we leave tonight?" Betty: "11 tonight." Toni: "Doesn't it sound sketchy?" Betty: "Yes but if it's a chance to see my sister I damn well will..." Ronnie: "I can't see my best friend?" Betty: "Sister Wood House damanded only us 4..." Ronnie: "WHATEVR!" Then Ronnie runs off.

*At the sisters*
Sister Wood House: "Did you learn your lesson last time Violiana?" Lola: "Yes sister..." Sister Wood House: "Great! If you do anything bad today,Tonight your sister and her friends will see 20x worse! Understood?" Lola: "Yes sister." Lola walks over to a empty table to see polly getting dragged into the sisters. Lola: "POLLY!" Sister Wood House gave the guys in white permission to leave them two alone. Lola and Polly hug for what it seems like forever then they sit down, Polly: "Loll, What are you doing here?" Lola: "Mom sent me here because I-uh-I self harmed myself..." Polly: "Oh God Loll why?" Lola: "Because Jug was mad at me..." Polly: "I'm so sorry." Lola: "It's fine, So why are you here?" Polly: "Well mom sent me away at first because I was pregnant with Jason's baby's..." Lola: "You had baby's pol?!" Polly: "Yes, they sent me to the farm so I could spend a couple of happy months with them and then they came today and forsed me against my will to come here, So yeah..." Lola: "Well they invited Betty and 3 other people from school to watch me get torchard and I feel scared,Upset and not ready to see Betty cry..." Polly: "You can't let them hurt you Loll." Lola: "I don't have a choice Polly..." Polly: "It'll be ok I know your strong." Sister Wood House: "Polly do you mind to join us tonight?" Polly: "Am I getting hurt to or watching my younger sister?" Sister Wood House: "Watching Violiana," Polly: "Then NO!" Sister Wood House: "Sorry Polly but you have to!"

Betty was getting ready to see her sister. She went downstairs to see her friends ready to leave. *At the sisters* They had Lola & Polly pass out by, putting rags over their faces. As the girls were passed out they tied the two teenage girls to chairs polly infront of Lola, As the sisters and men put rags in their mouths so they couldn't scream... Betty,Jug,Toni,Fangs and Sweet pea were on their way, Betty nor any of them knew that polly was there to...
When they arrive they walk to the woods to see no adults but both of Bettys sisters tied up facing each other, Sweet pea: "Let's get them Betty and whos that other one?" Betty started to cry: "That's polly..." Toni: "Who?" Jug: "The oldest." Fangs: "Let's get them!" Jug: "It's a trap, Alright you guys can come out!" Then the three men in white walk out as five Sister's follow infront of them, That's when polly and Lola wake up...

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