2.Welcome serpents!

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Lola woke up early today, Lola's thoughts: Well Jug comes back today!! I haven't seen my best friend in almost a year, he never came over because he never wanted to see Betty, I never went to his house because he always had his serpent friends over and they hate northsider's...

Then Lola gets dressed, Curls her hair, puts light make up on, and puts her white berconstock boots on.

Then Lola gets dressed, Curls her hair, puts light make up on, and puts her white berconstock boots on

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Lola went to school early as she walks to school she hears someone behind her... She starts fast walking finally she gets to school and walks in and helps Ronnie,Archie and Kevin set the welcome stand up.

7:00 am.
Ronnie: "Their 30 minutes late to school..." As there about to walk away the doors swing open, Lola got butterflies in her stomach...

*Lola as Ronnie* *Ronnie as Josie*
*Act like the principal didn't come*

Lola: "Are you kidding me Reggie I thought you would have picked your own girlfriend's side not her frienimie!" Reggie: "Well these hobo's are on bulldog territory!" Lola: "What happened to the Reggie I know?" Reggie: "Oh him? Hes gone!" Lola: "Fine then since the Reggie I lived is gone so is this relationship!" Reggie: "Wait what no!, For some southsiders?" Lola: "It's not about them Reggie the reggie I fell in love with, Was supportive NEVER called my best friend a hobo,NOW LEAVE!" Reggie: "Wh-" Jug: "You heard her man leave!" Reggie: "I really want to kick all of your asses right now!" Sweet pea: "Do it!" As he steps up with anger in his eyes Jug pulls him back while Lola stands in the middle of them with her hands on their chest's lightly. The southside boy just glares at Lola, Sweet pea: "Get your hand off of me you little northsider!" He slaps her hand off of him leaving a red mark on her hand that stings, she stares at the mark and looks up at him. Reggie: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU JUST HIT A GIRL MAN!" Sweet pea: "WELL GET HER UNDER CONTROL!" Jug: "Keep your hands off of her ,Sweet pea." Sweet pea: "So taking the Northside princess over family?" Jug: "I've known her longer than you, You ok Vi?" Lola: "Yeah I'm fine, But um come with me lounge this way." Lola trust to ingnore the tention in the air.

*Later that day*
Jughead passes by Lola. Lola: "Hey wait up Jug!" As she jogs up to him." Jug: "Not now Vi!" Lola: "Really?, Ever since you went to that school you ingnored my texts, and don't you dare tell me it's because of my sister!- at this point he was infront of a classroom room with all of his surpernt buddies watching them arughing. Lola: "Because I know damn well it's not! You ditch me for people you met a year ago, What happened to you Juggie?" Jug: "Just shut the hell up Viola!" At this point there was a tear rolling down her cheek she was so excited to see her best friend but he just ruined everything, also he never said her real name he always called her Vi or Gummy bear... Lola whipping the uncontrollable tears away: "What ever 'Forsthye'." At this point he knew he mest up big time, Lola: "Just do me a favor I know you still love my sister just please get back with her for this weekend at least, it's a couples trip for me,Ronnie,Arch and Regg but he screwed it up they leave at 5 today have fun..." Lola walks away with tears streaming down her face her best friend struggles not to run up to her and hug her, Fangs: "Wow man you just messed up big time!" Jug: "I know,I know!" Toni: "GO AFTER HER YOU IDIOT!" Sweet pea: "Shes just being a northsider she is trying to convince a southsider to feel bad!" Fangs: "Shut the hell up Sweet pea!"

*At the lounge*
Lola,Betty, Ronnie and Kev sit on one couch, right in front of them was Reggie, Cheryl, Josie on a chair there was Arch. Then lola looks over their was Jug and his 3 new friends lola see jug walk over and she puts her head down, Jug: "Betty can I talk to you, Oh yeah Viola I'm sorry." Betty: "Sure Jug!" Lola: "Whatever Jones" Lola rolls her eyes. Jug: "Toni,Sweet pea and Fangs take a seat." Ronnie gets up and sits on Archies lap making room for them to sit with Lola and Kev, Fangs walks over and sits in the middle of Lola and Kev, Toni then walks over and sits in the middle of Lola and Fangs then here comes sweat pea he walks over on kev's side and sits on the arm of the couch. Lola could feel the tention in the air so she thought small talk would work. Lola: "So what's everyone doing after school?" Reggie: "Going home and sleeping, since you broke up with me this morning and now i can't go to the cabin." Ronnie: "I'm pretty sure me,Arch and maybe Bug head is going to the cabin." Toni: "Bug head?"  Lola: "Jug and Betty." Fangs: "Me and Sweet pea are gonna play a game of pool!" Toni: "Going to the Whyte wyrm." Cheryl: "Cheer." Kevin: "Having a sleep over with Viola!" Lola was not paying attention to anyone she was just pulling at her hair little piece by piece hair came out then picking at her nails, she started cutting in her skin with her long nails not paying any attention to what Kev said... Lola: "What?" Kev: "VIOLA IVY COOPER, YOUR DIGGING AND MAKING SACRS ON YOUR WRIST!" Lola looks down at her wrist while Toni, Sweet pea and Fangs look at her she looks up and their staring, tears started to run down her face. Lola: "I-I-I-I got to go." She stands and grabs her book bag. Kevin and Ronnie run after her.

*Fangs pov:*
As soon as I head kevin screaming kevin: "VIOLA IVY COOPER YOUR DIGGING AND MAKING SCARS IN YOUR WRIST!" Then Me pea and Toni look at her wrist as she looked up at us and tears start rolling down her face I felt really bad for her. As she stood up and left the room I turned to Pea and then Toni. Toni: "How long has she-" Reggie: "Been self harming every time her and Betty,Jug,Arch,Polly or Kev got mad at her she'd self harm her self."
Fangs: "What does she do to her self?" Then sweat pea stood up I could tell he was annoyed he never even cared once about that poor girl... Reggie: "Well she cuts her wrist really deep her mom said if she cut herself again there sending her to the sisters of quiet mercy..." Toni: "Is that why she looked terrified when she noticed what she did?" Archie: "Most Likley." Then her sister walked in Betty hand to hand with Jug, Viola deserved a better apologie from jug then what he gave her. Betty: "Weres Lola,Ronnie and Kev?" She looked at Archie then Archie didn't even look her way so she looked at Reggie, He gave her a look and her eyes go wide and she dropped Jugs hand so fast I couldn't even see how she did it and she had tears coming down her face and she turned her back and jolted. Jug: "Weres sweet pea?" Fangs: "Over there" he points to were Sweet pea and Josie left to sit by thereselves.

*Betty's pov:*
We were all in awkward silence until, Jughead and his 3 friends walked in through the lounge doors. Jughead: "Hey Betty can I talk to you?, sorry viola." I looked at my sister and she rolled her eyes. Then jug told his friends to sit down, he takes me to the newspaper room. Jug: "Listen I'm sorry Betty I really love you and miss you!" Betty: "I love and miss you to jug!" Jug: "So restart?" Betty: "Yes!" Then things get hot and heavy. Then after we finished we went back to the lounge hand to hand and I asked were my sister was and looked at Arch he wasn't even looking at me, Then I turned my attention to Reggie, he gave me the look that look of she's probably going to the sisters of quiet mercy we made sertin faces for reasons like this my eyes widened and tears started to fall down my cheeks and I let go of jugs hand so fast and jolted...

*End of povs*
When Lola reached the bathroom she ran in their with tears messing her makeup-up she looked in the mirror, Then Ronnie and Kev came running in, Ronnie: "Are you ok V?" Lola just ingnored her best friend. Kev: "I'm sorry Lol..." She looked in the mirror as her friends had tears in their eyes she turned around and hugged them so tight and cried, 5 minutes Betty comes bursting the door with tears down her face, Betty sobbing: "WHAT THE HELL, VIOLA WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR SELF?" Then she runs over to Lola and hugs her and they both just cry... She then takes her bomber jacket off and put it on lola...

*This episode took mostly place at school!*

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