Telling Lance

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has jeith and ryance

No one POV

"RYAN, SON OF A BITCH, GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE!" James yelled, chasing Ryan through down the hall. He had on casual clothes, black basketball shorts, black Converse, and a white muscle tee. And when he spoke, his British accent was very apparent. "RYAN!" He yelled, chasing him into the lounge. "Nope. Have to take screenshots of our conversations to show you-know-who." Ryan said, waving his phone teasingly. "Then I'm showing that person your texts to me about them." James snapped, pulling Ryan's phone out of his pocket. 

"What are you guys even talking about?" Nadia asked from her spot on the couch with Veronica and Axca. "Their crushes." Veronica answered. "Ahh." Nadia said, nodding. 

"You wouldn't dare." Ryan said. "Oh, I would. I think they would love it, seeing how you describe them. Their "dazzling blue eyes"" James started, reading off the phone while scrolling through it. "Their raven black hair." Ryan started, doing the same. "A smile like the sun itself. Not even the stars rival their beauty." "Eyes that shine like the stars when he smiles. I swear Ryan, he has galaxy eyes." " I saw a light in his eyes today. He was truly happy, and I couldn't believe it. His eyes shone brightly in the lighting. Today they looked like the ocean, a beautiful mixture of hundreds of blues. I couldn't tell if it was beautiful or mystifying. What the bloody hell does that mean anyway? How can you not tell if something is beautiful?" James asked, looking at Ryan. "They're not purple Ryan, you bloody twat. They're violet. A beautiful color, and they change shades in the light." Ryan said, still reading. "Their hair was curly today. It was adorable! Small, fluffy brown curls atop their head." James continued. "He smiled at me today and I almost bloody died. It shines brighter than the sun. I wonder if he'd go out with me." Ryan said, looking at James. "Ryan, do you think Keith would go out with me if I asked? I don't know if someone that beautiful would like me back. Then, later, just last week, Ryan, I think I'm in love with him. I get nervous whenever I'm around him, and I can barely be in the same room as him without looking at him. And he's not only beautiful, he's charming too. Smart, kind, nice and caring. Bloody hell Ryan, I'm in love with him." Ryan finished, and the girls giggled at James's slightly pink face. "You tell them, and I tell Keith you want to ask him out." 

"Ha! Jokes on you, I already did! And he said yes! We've been dating for a month!" James said, smiling while tapping the screen of Ryan's phone. "Then I'm telling him you love him!" Ryan retorted. James just smiled and pressed two more buttons on the phone, causing it to ring. "Hey Ryan. What's up?" Keith's voice asked from the other end. "Actually, it's me darling." James said, smile on his face. "Jamie? Why are you calling from Ryan's phone?" "Well, I have something really important to tell you, and I couldn't wait any longer. Ryan's phone was the closest." "Well what is it?" Keith asked, sounding nervous. "Well, for one, I think you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, and a smile that brightens my world every time I see it. You can turn anything into a moment I want to cherish forever, and I'd do anything to make you happy. I never want to go a day without seeing you smile, and a life without you wouldn't be a life worth living. You mean the world to me." James started, blush growing on his cheek. "Jamie!" Keith said through the phone, obviously flustered. "Keith darling, I love you. With all of my heart. I love you Keith. I love you." James declared, and the girls giggled again. The phone hung up and James smiled. "There. You have nothing over me." He said, looking at Ryan. A "POP!" was heard, and Keith appeared, standing in front of James, wrapping his arms around his neck, who in turn put his hands on his waist. He was in black short shorts, a red shirt, and one of James's hoodies, Kosmo sitting besides them. He smiled and pulled James into a kiss, causing the others to gape at them. They pulled apart and Keith smiled. "I love you too Jamie." They were both pink, but had identical smiles on their faces. They kissed again and the girls squealed while Axca took pictures. "Krolia and Kolivan are going to love this." Keith and James pulled apart and leaned their foreheads against each others, smiling and whispering. Keith nodded and pecked James on the lips before disappearing with Kosmo. 

"That went exceptionally well. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to inform a certain someone about Ryan's crush on them." James said, starting to step away. "James fucking Griffin, if you do that I will kill you." Ryan growled. James smiled and skipped a bit, before beginning to run out. "LANCE! RYAN HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" He yelled. Ryan chased after him, looking ready to kill. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Ryan yelled, going down the hall. "YOU'D DO IT TO ME YOU BLOODY GIT! I'M DOING THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD YOU KNOB!" James yelled back, almost all the way down the hall. "WHY DO I HEAR BRITISH CURSING? DID SOMEONE MAKE JAMES MAD AGAIN?" Pidge hollered, sticking her head out of a room. "I'M TELLING HIS CRUSH!" James yelled back, not missing a beat. "WHAT ABOUT KEITH?" She asked. "HE KNOWS! WE'VE BEEN DATING!" "WELL YEAH, I MEANT ABOUT THE WHOLE LOVE THING!" She yelled back. "WE SAID WE LOVE EACH OTHER AND KISSED! I'LL GIVE YOU DETAILS LATER!" James promised, rounding the corner. "LANCE!"  "JAMES I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Ryan yelled, gaining on him. "DO THAT AND KEITH WILL KILL YOU!" James yelled back. "YOUR BOYFRIEND CAN'T PROTECT YOU ALL THE TIME! YOU'LL BE ALONE AT SOME POINT!" Ryan replied. There was maybe 20 feet between the two of them now and James was slowing down as they approached another corner. James turned his head to look behind him, and his eyes widened when he saw how close Ryan was. He sprinted around the corner and into a room, slamming the door behind him. Ryan ran past, coming to a stop in the middle of the hall. "Fuck. Where is he?" He muttered. 

Meanwhile, James had been pulled to Keith's bed, and they were making out. "Mmm, did you do it?" James asked, pulling away briefly. "Yes. Now shut up and do me." Keith murmured, pulling him closer. "I love you." James mused, backing away to take their shirts off. "I love you." Keith replied, pulling at James's waistband.

"Have you seen James?" Ryan asked Shiro, standing in the doorway. "No. But I wouldn't bother him. According to Pidge and Axca, him and Keith said I love you today, and the time after that is normally one you want to leave them alone for."  Ryan nodded and Shiro shut the door. Ryan sighed and knocked on the next door. Lance opened it, and Ryan felt his face flush. "Oh! Uh, hey Lance." He stuttered. "Do I really have azure eyes?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow. "And a smile like the sun itself?" "W-why do you ask?"  "Well, Keith popped in with Kosmo, handed me this" He said, waving James's phone a bit. "-said read it, then left.  And there's some very interesting stuff on here." "Oh god. Uh, um, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Ryan said, rubbing the back of his neck. Great job Ryan! Let the boy know you think he's gorgeous then stand in front of him, stuttering like an idiot.  "Well, uh, would you like-" He started, but Lance cut him off. "Meet me in the hangar by Red at 7 sharp. Wear a nice shirt and decent pants. We're going out." He said with a wink before closing the door. Ryan headed back the way he came, face hot. Before he killed James and Keith, he was going to thank them. Then kill them. Slowly.

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