Day 7 Alternate Universe

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Pandemic au

Since the pandemic started, the Garrison has closed down. All nonessential personnel have been sent to their homes to stay until it all blows over. Keith and James have been home together for 2 months, and things are happening.

For one, they've both gotten into the habit of just walking around in the bare minimum of clothing. Keith's in his baggy sweatshirts and booty shorts, while James is just running around in his boxers. During their Zoom meetings, they dress appropriately, but otherwise they're half naked. And with all the things going on, they haven't really had time for each other. And Keith is.... touch starved. (Aka he was horny. Also, Jeith/Jaith has ben together for 2 years, Lance isn't fond of James but gets along with him, and Shiro hates/largely dislikes James)

Keith POV 

That day, I had two meetings, and James's lucky ass only had one. I sighed as I buttoned up my uniform shirt. James was in the shower, while I had to do a meeting with the paladins and Shiro. I clicked "join meeting" and was greeted with Allura and Lance's smiling faces. "Mullet! There you are! How's quarantine treating ya?" He asked. "I hate it and I want to go get ice cream." I answered nonchalantly. "Really? I thought you'd enjoy all the time with James." Allura said, raising an eyebrow. "It's not so fun when we have all these meetings and he keeps getting paperwork. He debatablely gets more than Shiro." 

"What'd I do?" Said man asked, popping up on screen. "James gets more paperwork than you." Lance said. "Yeah, that's because he keeps sending the work he doesn't want to do to James." Adam said from somewhere in the background. "I hate paperwork!" Shrio whined. "And I hate my boyfriend not having time for me because he has to do paperwork!" I snapped. "Stop sending him your shit!" "Not cool bro." Pidge commented, popping up, along with Hunk. "You're gonna make James have to deal with an extra horny Keith." I felt my face heat a bit as they laughed. So what if I had an elevated sex drive? I was half alien. "Pidge, not here. How are you guys doing?"  Hunk asked. "Good. Coran and Romelle have started making blomfruit pies, Veronica and Axca are teaching the nieces and nephews new games, and Mamí is gonna teach Luis to make a tamale." Lance answered. "I'm good. Matt, Dad and I are building a new robot, and Mom's trying to splice Juniberry and Rose DNA together." Pidge said, spinning in her chair. "Shiro's sending my boyfriend all his work to do." I answered, glaring at my brother. "What? Not cool Shiro." Hunk said, shaking his head.

James stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. "Hey babe, have you seen my uniform? I can't find it." He asked. But I wasn't listening. I was too busy staring at him. He had an amazing six pack, big biceps, and strong shoulders. His bangs hung in front of his face, partially hiding his eyes, water glistening on him. I watched a drop go down the side of his face and jaw, down his neck and chest, then disappear down the front of the towel. "Keith? You good buddy? Your face is red." Hunk said. I coughed a few times. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine." James smiled, knowing I why I was blushing. He knew I had a thing for his muscles. "Wait, let me guess, James is there." Pidge said. "Put him on! I wanna see the son if a bitch!" 

Pidge was the first of the paladins to approve of my relationship with James. Mainly because he had gone to her with his questions. What my favorite flower was, my favorite animal, what I liked to do, if he should ask Adam and Shiro for permission to ask me out. He even asked when my birthday was, and for her help planning a surprise for me. He'd gotten Krolia and Kolivan a few days off from the Blade with the help of Coran and Iverson, gotten Pidge to help him and Ryan fix my old bike that used to be my dads, and asked Hunk to help him bake a cake for me.

"Hey." James said, leaning over my shoulder. "How ya doing Pidge?" "Dude, put some clothes on!" Lance exclaimed, wrinkling his nose. "No one wants to see you half naked." "Aw Lance, don't be jealous I have better abs than you." James joked. "Hey James! How's quarantine?" Hunk asked with a smile. "Too much fucking paperwork. I don't even get to cuddle before Shiro and Iverson are sending me more." "That's because Shiro's dumping all of his work on you." Pidge said. "What the hell Shiro? I thought you liked me!" James whined. "He has mentioned that he has mixed feelings about you." Allura said innocently. "I like cuddling with Adam more than I like paperwork and James combined." "And I'd like to actually spend time with my boyfriend. Stop sending me your shit." James said, glaring at Shiro. "I'll stop sending you shit when you stop being a shit." Shiro snapped, causing James to pout. "That's it. I'm leaving. I know where I'm not wanted." He announced, standing and walking out. 

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