Twelve times we kissed (James) 1

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James POV 

Twelve times Keith has kissed me. Twelve times since we met. But did it mean anything?  Does it mean anything?

The first time was when we were thirteen, fourteen. Our first year at the Garrison. Him and the McClain kid, Lance, hung out a lot. Everyone knew who Keith was. Little brother of the legendary Takashi Shirogane. Who  was gay. And everyone assumed Keith was too. People joked about it, and he did too. I never said anything though. I didn't want to offend him by saying something that wasn't true.

I was talking with Ryan when it happened. We were standing off to the side in the cafeteria , talking about our flight lesson that day when he came over. He had tapped my shoulder. "Hey, Griffin, can I talk to you?" I exchanged a look with Ryan, who shrugged. "Uh, yeah, sure. What's up?" I asked, stepping to the side with him. He glanced at the floor, rubbing his arm nervously. "Kogane? What's wrong?" I asked. He looked up at me, and the next thing I knew, he had grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened in shock, but I soon closed them, and began  kissing him back, cupping his face with one hand. As soon as it started it was over, and he walked away with a smirk on his face. Lance and some girl, Katie I think, laughed, and each handed him some money. I felt my face begin to burn, and I ran out of the cafeteria and into my room. My mind was moving at 100 miles per minute. Not only had Keith kissed me, he had taken my first  kiss, done it in front of most of the school, and done it on a dare. I couldn't believe him! And I kinda liked it.... but still! Why kiss me of all people in a dare?

Later he came up to me, when I was in the library, face covered with unreadable emotions. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I muttered, looking at the book in my hands. "So, about earlier..." he trailed off. "What about it?" I asked, looking up at him. "It was just for a bet. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." "It's fine." I said with a shrug. "Yeah, alright. But you should know, people are talking. Saying we're a couple and all." I raised an eyebrow. "So? We barely talk, they'll figure out we're not soon enough." I said, looking back at my book. "Yeah. Anyway, here." He handed me 10 bucks. "What's this?" I asked, waving it around a bit. "Half the money I got from the bet. Seems only fair. I couldn't have completed it without you." He said with a shrug. "Alright. Thanks I guess." Keith nodded and walked off, probably to talk with Lance again.

And he was right, people did talk. Saying we were both gay, we were dating, things like that. But it was forgotten the moment something else happened, and we never spoke of it again.

The second time was at a party. The End-of-the-year Garrison party, roughly a year and a half later. The teachers and officials had decided that since we were all at least 15 (there were a few older kids) we could take care of ourselves while they went and had "faculty bonding time." But everyone knew that was code for "we all get drinks and complain about the students." 

We ended up playing spin the bottle, me, Keith, Ryan, Lance, and several other people. Ryan went and got Nadia, and they jokingly kissed. Lance got some girl named Taylor, and I got Alexis. When Keith went, the bottle seemed to take forever to stop. I silently prayed about where it would land, but I can't remember if it was because I wanted it to land on me or I didn't. 

When it finally stopped, it rested on me. Keith rolled his eyes and smiled. "Guess it's you and me again Griffin." I chuckled "Yeah, I guess so." He scooted around Ryan and grabbed my collar again, pulling me into a quick and chaste kiss. "Done. Alright, who's next?" He asked, returning to his spot." Pidge, how about you go?" And honestly, I don't remember much after that. The same thoughts as before rushed through my mind. But it was okay. He hadn't don't it in purpose or for a dare. It was just a game. Right?

The third and fourth times were in the halls, after class. I was 16, and had admitted to myself that I had a small, not-so-tiny crush on Keith. But I think I did a pretty good job hiding it.

I had almost failed a simulator at the very end, barely making it through.  "Griffin!" He called, running after me. "What?" I snapped. He had, once again, gotten a perfect score. "You good? You don't normally have a problem with the sims." He said, seemingly concerned. I rolled my eyes. "Just got distracted is all. Why? You here to rub it in my face?" He looked offended. "Why would I do that?" "Because you can do anything. You're the Garrison's new golden boy. Great at piloting and classes, acing every test. And having Shirogane as a brother doesn't hurt either. He can talk you out of anything, saying it was an accident or mistake. Not everyone has such luxuries Keith. Some of us have to work hard to keep our ranking and stay out of trouble." I growled. "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. Just shut up!" He snapped. "Make me." I growled. 

His eyes hardened, and suddenly he swooped forward, placing his lips on mine. I dropped the books I was carrying and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. His hands went to my face, one cupping my cheek and the other tangling itself in my hair. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly gave him. His tounge explored my mouth, seemingly hitting every little crevice. Then he pulled back, violet eyes staring intently into my blue-gray ones. I leaned in again, and reclaimed his lips. My back was soon against the wall as he pushed onto me, chest on mine, no space inbetween us. He pulled away again, and we were both gasping for breath. And I have to admit, I whined a little at the loss of his lips. "You liked that, didn't you?" He asked with a smile. I felt my cheeks heat as I nodded sheepishly. "Too bad. Cause I'm not doing it again Griffin. Now get your head out of your ass and act your age. You messed up, not me. And it was just barely. Now worth snapping at me over." He said before walking away, leaving me in the hall, staring after him. I sat there for a minute, processing what had just happened. Yes, my crush had kissed me, hell, we'd kinda made out, but he said he wouldn't do it again. It was just to get me to shut up.

And that was how I got kisses three and four. And I couldn't help but want more.

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