• Simp - MegaPvP x Reader •

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oK, so here I am with another oneshot... a friend requested this one, so here ya go frend-

WARNINGS: kinda a lot of swearing (I think, its a lot compared to my normal)


Characters: MegaPvP, [Y/N]

Genre: Fluffers

AU: Minecraft :D


|~|Mega's POV|~|

I sprinted across the wool bridge that was the thin path in-between a Diamond Gen and Green's base. It was strange, that such a flimsy material could be so strong- Minecraft Physics, don't ask me.

I crouched at the end of the bridge as the Green Player left his Shopkeeper, looking outside. He was on high alert, considering that he had the only bed left in the game. He looked away agin, collecting his Gen's resources and going back to the Shopkeeper.

I took advantage of the moment, sprinting towards his two-layer bed defence, mining through the wood and wall quickly. The roaring effect of a bed being broken stung at my ears for a moment, distracting me as the Green Player rushed towards me. I held out my sword to block his first hit, still dazed.

I started to fight the green, doing more blocking than hitting. I was being pushed back, towards the edge of his floating island and I could see his focused face shifting to a grin- He thought he was going to win.

I struggled, picking up my pace a bit and attempting to hit him back, but he saw it coming and pushed be backwards and down. I fell towards the earth, only one of my hands catching the island, the other one over air. I glanced behind be instinctively to see I was on the edge of the crumbling island.

Fear whipped through me, knowing this could be the end. In Bedwars games- once your bed was gone, you had one life- one measly life to live off of. And if you died? Well, how do you think Hypixel's Numbers stayed at a reasonable number?

You have to fight to live. Which meant to live, you have to be a pretty good fighter.

Mega was a good fighter, but he still played Doubles Games to give himself a better chance. So who else would he team with other than his one and only best friend?

"[Y/U]!" I yelled, looking over the green-armoured players shoulders for my teammates gray armour. But I saw no sign of her- maybe this really was the end.

"Any last words?" The Green Player hissed, glee and pride expressing through his features. I narrowed my eyes at him, hope starting to dim in my heart.

"Fuck off." I said coldly, trying to think of something to do- something to save myself. The Green Player raised his sword above his head, ready to give his final blow.

Shit- shit, shit, shit-

But a gray streak blasted forward from behind a bush, smacking his sword away with her own and pushing him over me. The blur stopped, grinning as the ping of Kill-Credit being received rang from the tracker in her ear.

Fireworks exploded in the sky far above our heads, making us both smile. She reached her hand down to me and I took it gratefully, letting her pull me up.

"A little close, don't you think?" I laughed, my nerves gone and my Adrenaline rushing at the pride of another Victory.

"Nahh, I like dramatic endings!" She grinned, putting her sword in its cover at her waist. She grabbed by hand and pulled be towards the portal that had appeared only a few strides away from us. We stepped through, appearing in the familiar Bedwars Lobby, where tons of players waited for their turn.

I dusted myself off quickly and Y/U did the same before she looked over at me, a little hint of concern in her dazzling, e/c eyes. She put her hand on my arm, causing me to tense up for a second and my cheeks to get warm- thank goodness I wore a scarf.

"You sure you're okay? I'll admit I was a little late-" She worried, her gaze leaving mine and traveling to look across the lobby. I smiled, half distracted by how cute it was when she cared. I took her hands in mine trying to get her to look at me. When I gave a slight squeeze on her hands, she did and I met her gaze warmly.

"I'm fine, I promise." I reassured her, smiling under my scarf. "Plus- that was honestly a great move, he had no idea you were coming!"

She blushed a bit, pulling her hands out of mine. She'd told me she didn't love it when I complimented her, simply because she never knew how to react. This time, she responded by rolling her eyes before looking back at me.

"God, you're such a simp." She laughed and I blushed, trying my best to hide it. I subconsciously pulled my scarf up higher, laughing a bit.

"Nahh-" I countered and she just laughed harder. I couldn't help but get lost at the sight, her holding herself up by leaning on her knees as she giggled at me. Gosh, she was so fucking attractive-

Mega- stop thinking what you're thinking. I lectured myself. I was snapped back to reality by Y/U waving her hand in front of my face, still letting out a few remaining giggles.

"Did I space out?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, I thought you were just staring at me because you thought I was pretty-" She mocked and I couldn't help myself but say 'You are.'

She stopped laughing and glanced at me, her cheeks turning red again. I looked away, knowing that my entire face was probably pink at this point, from all the blushing I'd been doing the past few minutes. God, what has gotten into me?! I flirt with her all the time as a joke- why did it feel different this time?

"Mega..." She said quietly and I looked back at her. She'd my friend, why is it suddenly so awkward. I just want us to get past this so we can get on with being the normal us again- to being Mega and Y/U the best friends-

My nervous train-wreck of thoughts is interrupted by Y/U stepping closer to me, pulling me forward as well by my scarf. She lets out a small breath before hesitantly pulling down my scarf.

I freeze, unsure how to react. She's seen my full face before- she's seen the scars, but I know this time she's up to something different. She leans in and I lean a bit forward to, worries and regrets and alarms going off in my head- all of them telling me not to kiss my best friend.

Fuck it- I lean forward the last bit, closing the space in-between us. I kiss her, all my love and energy for her flowing out of me. When she doesn't pull away, I wrap my arms around her back, holding her close to me.

Everything is telling me this is wrong, wrong, wrong- everything but my heart. And right now, my heart has full control. We both stop, taking a second to breath. I blink slowly before looking at her face, to see how she reacted. Her cheeks are pink, and her lips are smiling- I know she wasn't mistaken, she did it on purpose.

"You have no clue, how fucking long it's been since I wanted to do that." I whisper and she laughs a bit.

"Just shut up-" She says and kisses me again. I'm finally where I want to be, with her.

Who knew that a Bedwars game could do so much- could start something to special to me.


//1236 Words\\ <3

ello- so, uhh- we cool with dis?

idek what's wrong with me at this point- all I know is that-

1) my leg is asleep and its waking up and it HURTS


Love you guys! (No Homo) <3


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