• Found Out - MegaPvP x Reader •

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Okay, surprise surprise, for once I'm writing a Megapvp Oneshot by REQUEST, not because I'm a simp. So, here is your request mvsicalxWeeb, I hope you enjoy!


Characters: Reader-Y/N, Megapvp, Friends of both Mega and Reader

Genre: Fluff, I think.... (I know I'm a genius-)

AU: Half Minecraft, half real life? Idk, you'll see.

Warnings: Swearing


|~|Y/N's POV|~|

I sighed quietly, not really even paying attention to the TV which was running in the background. I snuggled into his warm, blue-striped sweatshirt, wishing I could be closer than I already was. Mega seemed to have read my mind:

"You can't really get any closer than you already are, you know." He said quietly, laughing at the end. I smiled, not saying anything. Every time he spoke to me I felt really happy and special, like I was the only one he talked to. He'd opened up more though, ever since I'd met him- he'd gone from being a shy hermit, to this amazing, confident guy.

Not that he wasn't amazing when I'd first met him.

I closed my eyes, nestling inbetween his arm and chest again, perparing myself for another comfortable sleep. Couches and boyfriends were the best.


Sharp, loud knocking echoed through my head, causing me to jump out of my sleep. Mega was looking around as well, probably because he'd just woken up.

"Y/N! Open up please!" Someone called from outside my small, bungalows door. Panic set in as I realized it was my best friend, F/N. We'd planned to hang out tonight, but I'd decided to sneak in an hour with Mega anyways.

The reason I was panicing? No one knew I had a boyfriend, for many months- let alone did they know it was Mega, the towns infamous mute.

"Get up, in the closet!" I whispered frantically, sitting up from the couch.

The front door swung open, F/N clucthing the keys that were usually under the flowerpot outside. You could practically see the dirt that stained the usually silver key.

"Y/n?" She said in a questioning voice, her eyes traveling to the couch, where I was sitting, Mega's arm around me. Her face changed expressions so quickly I almost laughed, but I couldn't- I was in the arms of a guy.

"What...." I could see she was trying to piece things together, like sowing her thoughts up in her brain.

"F/n-" I said, but she interrupted me.

"Do you have a BOYFRIEND? And you didn't TELL ME?!" She screeched, laughing afterwards and slipping off her shoes. She apporached the couch and Mega glanced at me, panic and question filling up his own eyes.

"Heyyy- so how long have you been dating?" She asked Mega. Mega froze, glanced at me before mumbling, "A few months..."

"A few MONTHS?!" She screeched again and I winced, squinting my eyes. When I opened them again, F/n was staring at me incredulously.

"And you didn't tell me?" She stared suspiciously at Mega. "If this is true, kiss her."

"Wha- no, F/n. I promise you, we are definetly dating-" Mega leaned forward and kissed my cheek, stopping me in my tracks. I looked at him, surprised- he didn't usually do that. Mega shrugged at me but he was grinning sheepishly, his cheeks a light pink.

"Okay..." F/n said slowly. "Didn't expect that."

"What, you think I can't get a boyfriend?" I countered. F/n snorted and I scrunched my nose at her.

"I was just waiting for the right guy." I looked at Mega again, this time his face being the shocked one. "Yeah, that's you doofus." I booped his nose and giggled, getting up from the couch. I held out my hand to pull him up and he accepted it gratefully.

"You don't mind if Mega stays for dinner, right?" I ask sheepishly.

"Not at all." F/n grins. "I want to hear alll about you guys!" She skipped to the kitchen, giggling and talking to herself. Mega makes a quiet laughing noise, shaking his head slowly.

"You'll get used to her, now that she knows." I say, and Mega nods. I frown. "Talk to meee!"

Mega chuckles again and wraps his arms around my waists, pulling me into his chest. After a second I hug him back and I feel him kiss the top of my head. "There, happy?"

I smile. "Yeah."


//690 Words... ;) \\ <3

So, yeah. Kind a short one, but I hope you like the final result! :D


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