• Family - Female Reader •

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So, this idea was given to me by iiUltimate_Shipperii! Thank you so much for this idea, because I actually love it! I hope you guys enjoy!

ALSO, if you want to understand what is going on better, read |~|Not A Chapter - Still Read Doe|~|



Genre: Friendship/Family thing-

AU: Half Minecraft, Half Real-life? idek...


|~|Y/N's POV|~|

"Morning Dad!" I said cheerily to the hooded demon cooking eggs on the stovetop. He turned around and smiled, his little horns causing the top of his hood to wrinkle. (DadBoyHalo cough cough)

"Morning kiddo-" He says while putting a portion of eggs on my plate. I grin gratefully, starting to shovel them in my mouth- His eggs are always so good.

I just finished my eggs when my oldest brother, Finn came down the stairs. He was tired-looking and rubbing his eyes. He trudged over to the island, sitting next to me.

"Morning Finn-" I say whilst pushing my empty plate towards Dad. He takes the plate and puts it in the sink. Finn looks over at me and does a small wave before putting his head on the counter-top, sighing loudly.

"Finn was up all night again-" I spun to face the living room couch, where the voice had sounded from. I saw my blond-haired brother peeking over the couch's back at us. I could see the shiny white light of his phone lighting up half his face.

"Morning Purp." I waved and he waved back with a smile. In the background, Dad was lecturing Finn on sleep- Finn was just plugging his ears as unnoticed as he could. I got up from the island stool, skipping over to Purp's phone which he was clicking aggressively on.

"Watcha doiiiin-" I peeked over the top of his head taking a glance at his screen. He tilted his phone so I couldn't see it and wrinkled his nose at me.

"Go away." He said, pushing my head. I rolled my eyes and smirked, trying to get on his nerves.

"Is it a girl?" I said with as much fake-excitement I could muster. He started to complain but I sauntered away, chanting 'Purpled's got a girlfriend!'

"Purpled's got a girlfriend?" I heard my second-oldest brother question from the stairs.

"Purpled's got a girlfriend?!" My Dad yelped from the kitchen, peeking his head out of the arched entrance. "Really?"

Finn grumbled and slumped up from his tired position, glancing around the vast living room. He mumbled something about going to bed again and brushed past Nick who'd just sat down on the bar-stool to his right.

"What's up Sis?" Nick said as I sat back down at the island, giving me a a big pat on the head. I scrunched my nose up at him and stuck out my tongue and he stuck his out right back. My Dad turned off the stove, placing the remaining eggs on a big plate and sliding it to the middle of the island, where we could all reach.

"Uncle Eret and Tapple' are coming today!" Dad informed us, sitting down on the end of the island. He called Purp over gently, piling up a plate of eggs for him already. Purp wandered over to us, making a face at me when he sat down.

"Really?" I cheered. Dad nodded, smiling bigger at my excitement.

"When's Andrew coming by again?" Purpled asked boredly, his interest in the eggs growing as he took a bite.

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