Chapter Five: Marks of a Servant

Start from the beginning

Marks from the head butler.

I quickly turned my gaze away from the mirror, and grabbed Jaspers tunic, carefully slipping the silk fabric over my head and letting it shimmy down my body. The end of the white top settled just below my bottom, and was just loose enough around my torso that it didn't give away my body frame too much. It was soft and smooth against my skin, and cool against the hot bruises on my arms.

Alastor seemed to have a good eye, he knew exactly who to go to for clothes that fit me. Jasper and I were around the same size and height, and though I've never seen the prince without proper attire on, we most likely had similar builds too.

I smiled at the consideration Alastor had given me, even if I was confused by the gesture, and pulled down my slacks. I grabbed the pair Jasper gave me and slipped them over my hips easily. The slim cut dropped down to my ankles, exposing the brown boots I always wore. The hem settled just over the boot itself. They made my legs look sleek and slender and in the mirror I almost didn't recognize myself.

I looked like a strapping young man that needed a hair cut.

I chuckled to myself and brushed back my bangs, a few loose strands falling back into place. I grabbed the vest and slipped it on, buttoning it in place as it hugged my body. With my attire fully put together, I grabbed my baggy clothes and went to meet Jasper and Alastor back in the main room.


"Okay, what's going on?" Jasper looked up at his brother, arms crossed over his chest. He had just pulled him away from Alan, so he could give him some privacy, but mostly the young prince had some questions for the future king.

"What?" The innocent tone in Alastor's voice had Jasper narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "Don't look at me like that." The crown prince returned the glare but Jaspers held firm, not wavering as his glare could rival their mothers dismissive glower.

"You know exactly what, Alastor." Jasper started. "Yesterday you were grilling him about his motivation, now you're making sure he doesn't embarrass himself by dressing improperly."

Alastor's eyes rolled at his young brothers accusatory tone and looked away. He caught a brief glimpse of Alan's flat belly in the mirror while he slipped on Jasper's tunic. He was as thin as the crown prince had thought, his body smaller than he thought a man could be. The young prince clearing his throat drew Alastor's mind back to the conversation and he looked down at him.

"What? I don't want him walking around next to me looking like some kid wearing his dad's clothes." Alastor huffed, hating that he was being called out. Jasper was a bit too intuitive for his age, and the crown prince couldn't stand it. He could see through everyone. The perfect diplomat.

"You are so full of it," Jasper chastised. "You did something to him, or you feel guilty about being unnecessarily rude to him yesterday."

"There was nothing unnecessary about what I did yesterday, Jas." Alastor huffed.

"He saves you from being stabbed, potentially killed by some cursed whatever at the cost of his magic, and you basically accuse him of being some sort of spy or elaborate assassin. You and I both saw the way he looked when that knife struck him, and you and I both saw how he defended you from that attacker." Alastor hated how true his brothers words were. He had seen it. Alan struggled to defend himself and the prince against an assailant that not only was bigger than him, but had a weapon too. He may not have looked great doing it, but Alan did save his hide. Twice.

And the look Alan had when that knife went into him had been prepared. Scared, but prepared. He had fainted immediately upon being stabbed but he knew what would happen and he took it like any good warrior would have.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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